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Neptune Transits

Neptune takes approximately 164 years to travel 360 Degrees in the Zodiac and the twelve houses. The text below is the interpretation of Neptune transit when Conjunct Venus
Neptune Conjunct Venus
Relationships may lack a clear definition as boundaries that once were sharp now may blur. Existing partnerships that have a strong basis in trust can move easily with whatever appears and really enjoy the lightness that this time can bring. Those that are insecure may find this period increases the uncertainty. It is possible that you may meet someone now who seems perfect. However, it is easy to see people any way that you desire. Unless you strive to perceive them realistically, you may end up disappointed when you awaken, at some point, to the truth. This is an excellent time to let go of any expectations of what you want others to be, so that you can get a glimpse of who they are behind any image they may project or that you create.

You can enjoy the variety of beauty that life can present you. It may be through people or it may show itself in the arts where you likely appreciate the results that a work or a piece or a performance can produce, since your imagination usually is more alive. As an artist you may find this period inspiring, and you typically are more attuned to the creative process. Aesthetic awareness, in general, tends to be enhanced now.

Happiness may emerge as an issue during this interval, especially if it is lacking in any way. The disparity between what you have and what you want can cause discontentment, and you may seek ways to fill up the spaces that are empty. This may mean moving from one relationship to another without a real connection. It also may manifest as a need to buy things that please you, although this too tends to provide a temporary fix. If you recognize that momentary pleasure leaves you unsatisfied, you can use this time to engage yourself and life in a more meaningful way. This certainly is a period to have fun and enjoy interacting with all that is around you. However, you benefit by exercising some care in what you choose and by exploring fully the choices you make, so that you can gain a clearer picture of what you truly like, what gives you joy.

On a practical level, agreements that you reach now can have undisclosed elements that may cause future problems. Try to make certain that all parties are straightforward in their dealings and that you are the same. Any kind of deception can become more distorted as time goes on. However, the success of this cycle, in any area, depends on accurate representations by you and by those whom you meet and know. Sometimes it is difficult to identify the truth in others as well as in yourself. Observe carefully now, and you can see it.

Some more Interpretations of Transit Neptune Conjunct Venus from our astrology reports and readings:
Transit Neptune Conjunct Venus

The events of this period of time will test your relationships, personal as well as professional, and the effects can be quite confusing. In your existing relationships, you’re more concerned with finding a new level of honesty and trust, and will become highly idealistic about the way the relationship should work. You may place unrealistic expectations on your partner and then be disappointed when they don’t come through. So much of this may go on in your own mind that they don’t even realize they’re being tested, leaving them very confused. Or they may be the ones wanting to change the relationship and asking you to trust in their intentions. This idealistic cloud makes it very difficult to know what’s right and wrong, and ideally, you should just do the best you can to muddle through and when you emerge from this cycle, you’ll have a better idea about how you feel. If you’re not involved in a personal or professional partnership this year could bring one; but again, you may be very confused about what you want from partnerships and constantly question their motives. You may be swept off your feet by the romantic nature of new partnerships, ignoring the advice of your conscious mind or your very verbal friends. Other people will likely think your decisions are crazy, but won’t shake you from your course. In business, you may be swept off your feet by promises of financial success and glorified business projects, but are much more susceptible and even willing to be deceived. Your fantasies of wealth will blind you to practical concerns and you may not even question the other person’s motives. It’s extremely important that you avoid ventures that you know are suspect and be very careful about intentionally misleading others. Be practical with your money, as your financial base is unstable and vulnerable during this time.

This Interpretation of Neptune Conjunct Venus is from the Career Report astrology report by Kim Castella
Related Transits:  Neptune Conjunct Sun, Neptune Conjunct Moon, Neptune Conjunct Mercury, Neptune Conjunct Mars, Neptune Conjunct Jupiter, Neptune Conjunct Saturn, Neptune Conjunct Uranus, Neptune Conjunct Neptune, Neptune Conjunct Pluto, Neptune Conjunct Ascendant, Neptune Conjunct Midheaven,
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