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Leo Horoscope

Free Leo Horoscope

We know you are unique, not just one of 12 Sun Signs. Find out all about yourself - for FREE!

You may have come to our website searching for one of the following: Leo horoscop, Leo horoskop, Leo astrology, Leo horoscope, Leo astrology, Leo astrilogy, Leo horiscopes, gratis Leo horoscopo, Leo horiscopes, Leo horoscoop gratis, Leo voorspellingen, Leo gratuit astrologie.

Websites all over the world feature free Leo horoscopes and astrology forecasts. We could easily find and present to you Leo daily horoscopes, Leo Weekly horoscopes and monthly Leo Horoscopes from various astrology websites. But we do not - simply because you are more than a Leo. You are unique and therefore we bring to you personalized horoscopes and other astrological content based on your unique birth chart.

Are you simply a Leo Sun Sign as defined by many websites? The Leo sun sign is the 3rd sign of the zodiac in astrology. Typical Leo Sun sign reading is as

Proud and intensely individual, you really want to stand out, to be the very best you can be, and to be recognized and appreciated for your unique contributions. Doing something well and being respected for it is extremely important to you, and you cannot tolerate being in the background, taking orders from others, or being "just one of the team". You must put your personal stamp on whatever you do, and direct your own course in life. You need to have a place where you can shine, express yourself creatively, and be the one in charge.

You have big dreams and the determination, spirit, vitality, and enthusiasm to bring them into being. You also have a noble, romantic heart, and a love of the dramatic, colorful, and extravagant.

For you it is true that "all the world's a stage" and you secretly (or perhaps not so secretly) desire to be the Star or Hero in the play. You want to be great, and to receive the love and applause of an adoring audience, even if the "audience" is just one other special person. You need someone to believe in you and your dreams. Though you appear radiantly self-confident and independent, you are actually very much dependent on the affirmation, love, and recognition of others. You cannot bear being unnoticed or unappreciated.

You also love wholeheartedly and generously and really know how to make the person you love feel special. You love the magic of "being in love" and know how to keep the romance alive in your relationships. You are also immensely loyal and will defend your loved ones and stand by them to the end - as long as they never offend your pride or betray your trust. However, you like to be the strong one in a relationship and you really do not share the leading role very easily. Ideally you need to find a person who is as strong-willed as yourself, but who will not try to dominate or compete with you.

Your strengths are your zest and love for life, your creative power, and your warm and generous heart. Your primary fault is your tendency to be very egocentric, so concerned with the impression you are making and with your own creative self-expression that you forget there is another, larger world that does not revolve around you.

We believe you more than that.

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