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Sagittarius Horoscope

Free Sagittarius Horoscope

We know you are unique, not just one of 12 Sun Signs. Find out all about yourself - for FREE!

You may have come to our website searching for one of the following: Sagittarius horoscop, Sagittarius horoskop, Sagittarius astrology, Sagittarius horoscope, Sagittarius astrology, Sagittarius astrilogy, Sagittarius horiscopes, gratis Sagittarius horoscopo, Sagittarius horiscopes, Sagittarius horoscoop gratis, Sagittarius voorspellingen, Sagittarius gratuit astrologie.

Websites all over the world feature free Sagittarius horoscopes and astrology forecasts. We could easily find and present to you Sagittarius daily horoscopes, Sagittarius Weekly horoscopes and monthly Sagittarius Horoscopes from various astrology websites. But we do not - simply because you are more than a Sagittarius. You are unique and therefore we bring to you personalized horoscopes and other astrological content based on your unique birth chart.

Are you simply a Sagittarius Sun Sign as defined by many websites? The Sagittarius sun sign is the 3rd sign of the zodiac in astrology. Typical Sagittarius Sun sign reading is as

You are a gambler and an adventurer at heart, one who loves to take risks, to discover and explore new worlds, and to take the untried path rather than the safe, reliable one. You are an independent soul, freedom-loving, and often very restless. You need a lifestyle that provides opportunities for travel, movement, change, and meeting new people. A steady routine which offers much in the way of security but little in the way of space and freedom is odious to you.

To you, life is a journey, an adventure, endlessly interesting and rich with possibilities, and it may be difficult for you to decide where to focus your attention and efforts. You probably traveled around and experimented with many different paths before you settled on a particular career. Or you may go from one project to the next, for once the challenge and vital interest is gone, you are very quick to move on. Commitment, discipline, focus, and concentration are not your strong points. You can be irresponsible and disinclined to take on the burdens and limitations of adult life.

An incurable optimist, you have big dreams, aspirations, and hopes for the future and are usually pursuing some distant goal. You have a great deal of faith and trust in life and failures don't crush your spirit. You always bounce back from disappointments, often with another bright dream or scheme. You have a sporting, playful attitude toward life and are philosophical about your mistakes. You have the ability to sense future trends, to see the big picture, and you like to theorize and speculate. However, attending to all of the details and practical requirements of implementing your theories is bothersome to you.

You express yourself in a very open, direct, and straightforward manner and are often blunt and tactless as well. Because you do not take yourself too seriously, you may not realize how deeply your candid statements can wound more sensitive souls. In fact, though you may not realize it, your insensitivity and lack of understanding regarding others' feelings is probably one of your worst faults.

You do enjoy friendship and camaraderie, but you need freedom also and do not do well with a possessive, clinging, or emotionally demanding partner. You are quite generous yourself, and heartily dislike pettiness in others. Someone who shares your ideals, your sense of fun, and your zest for life would be the right companion for you.

We believe you more than that.

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Many thanks for your wonderful website,upon which I have come to depend with confidence for the most up-to-the minute and accurate celestial information.
Hope all is well and that blessings flow for you all.
Best wishes always

"Dale Harvey, "
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