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Neptune Transits

Neptune takes approximately 164 years to travel 360 Degrees in the Zodiac and the twelve houses. The text below is the interpretation of Neptune transit when Conjunct Mars
Neptune Conjunct Mars
Direct action often is ineffective now, and you can achieve more by going after things obliquely. If you are naturally aggressive in your approach to getting what you want, you likely encounter unanticipated distractions in reaching your objective. No matter in how much of a straight line you may wish to proceed, it is probable that detours and deviations deflect your progress. It is not that you cannot attain your destination, but you must let go of a rigid timetable in order to prevent dissatisfaction at the apparent haphazard manner in which events tend to unfold.

Assertiveness often is muted during this period, and when you do act forcefully, you may not get the results that you seek. The more you are attached to a specific target, the harder it may be to realize it. Focusing on a broad set of parameters, however, can help to ensure success within a range, which is more easily accomplished. Allowing for some flexibility in whatever you do is useful now, since it is quite possible that you may change course in midstream, or at least need to make adjustments. This way you provide yourself the leeway to adapt. At the same time, you avoid disappointing yourself and others if what you project as a certainty is unrealized.

Occasionally, you may experience lower vitality during this cycle. If you are intent on pushing yourself, you may find that you are less effective now than usual. This is generally not a time for getting somewhere in a hurry, as the line of least resistance is to wander so that is easy to get off track, or so it seems, no matter what you pursue, no matter how clear the goal. If you can accept that, then you can enjoy the blurring of the edges that often occurs now. Detours can become interesting diversions. Rather than becoming impatient at the loss of control you may have over specific outcomes, you can take pleasure in a pace where sometimes you may have to retrace your steps.

Fighting the current is probably futile and tends to dissipate your energy. You have the ability to get into the flow of this cycle and to move steadily though indirectly. In going with it rather than resisting, you can achieve a relaxed but alert state that is quick to react whenever necessary. You likely achieve more in this mode than driving yourself frantically to be first. This is not always an easy period because the combined influences are so dissimilar. This is an excellent time to practice letting go of precise and expected results, however, so that you may make room for other possibilities that can motivate or inspire you to action.

Some more Interpretations of Transit Neptune Conjunct Mars from our astrology reports and readings:
Transit Neptune Conjunct Mars

The forces at work in your life this year will seem to intentionally thwart your efforts to promote your own interests and succeed in your projects, and you may go through periods of intense discouragement. We all have a need and a right to assert ourselves in the world and go after what we want, but the obstacles you face now force you to examine your motives. You may wish to initiate an ambitious project in order to prove yourself, but are not likely to have the necessary physical energy or perseverance to see it through. You may also become apathetic about projects already in motion. External forces are also less cooperative and finding solid support will be more difficult. This time has a sort of dissolving quality that causes resources to slip through your fingers and you can’t count on financial stability now. You also need to avoid any endeavors that involve deception or illegal activities, and choose your partners carefully. Try not to be swept away by delusions of grandeur or the promise of great rewards, as they’re likely to be exaggerated. Confusion is normal now, even though it’s uncomfortable. These obstacles will seem more defeating during this time, even though they may be a normal part of doing business. Try not to take setbacks too personally and know that these circumstances are temporary. Your physical energy is extremely low and you’re more susceptible to chronic fatigue or depression. You’re also more sensitive to the effects of alcohol and drugs, and should be careful when taking medication; make sure you’re getting the right prescription in the correct dosage.

This Interpretation of Neptune Conjunct Mars is from the Career Report astrology report by Kim Castella
Transit Neptune Conjunct Mars

The forces at work in your life this year will seem to intentionally thwart your efforts to promote your own interests and succeed in your projects, and you may go through periods of intense discouragement. We all have a need and a right to assert ourselves in the world and go after what we want, but the obstacles you face now force you to examine your motives. You may wish to initiate an ambitious project in order to prove yourself, but are not likely to have the necessary physical energy or perseverance to see it through. You may also become apathetic about projects already in motion. External forces are also less cooperative and finding solid support will be more difficult. This time has a sort of dissolving quality that causes resources to slip through your fingers and you can’t count on financial stability now. You also need to avoid any endeavors that involve deception or illegal activities, and choose your partners carefully. Try not to be swept away by delusions of grandeur or the promise of great rewards, as they’re likely to be exaggerated. Confusion is normal now, even though it’s uncomfortable. These obstacles will seem more defeating during this time, even though they may be a normal part of doing business. Try not to take setbacks too personally and know that these circumstances are temporary. Your physical energy is extremely low and you’re more susceptible to chronic fatigue or depression. You’re also more sensitive to the effects of alcohol and drugs, and should be careful when taking medication; make sure you’re getting the right prescription in the correct dosage.

This Interpretation of Neptune Conjunct Mars is from the Career Report astrology report by Kim Castella
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"Sandra, United States"


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