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Saturn Transits |
Every 7 years or so, Saturn will transit conjunct, square, or opposite a natal planet. When that natal planet is Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Mercury, Venus, or Mars, we feel the effects in a personal way depending on the planet involved. Contact with Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are felt over longer periods. The text below is the interpretation of Saturn transit when Conjunct Saturn
Saturn Conjunct Saturn |
Occurring around the ages of 29, 58, and 87, this cycle often marks an important phase in maturity. Situations may require that you assume certain duties that shape your life for a long time. Circumstances often demand greater responsibilities or at least coming to terms with the obligations that define your life. Those that are worthwhile, you likely continue to fulfill perhaps even deepen your commitment. Those that are unsatisfying, you may seek to discontinue. Often it is difficult, however, to stop or to end what already has started, and you may find yourself at a crossroads.
Decisions that you make now generally are significant and can have an effect for many years, and you should weigh carefully what you choose, although sometimes it is chosen for you. When you are clear on what you wish to attain or discard, the steps you take now will tend to reinforce that clarity. If you are unsure, you may find yourself involved in a manner that you later must change or modify. Sometimes this period concerns your status in life and the goals that you seek where you may question the path that you now travel. You may decide to make a career move, or you may lose the security that you have relied upon. Being unfulfilled in any way, you can use this time to evaluate your options and to initiate a process to make what is most meaningful to you a reality over time.
Occasionally, this cycle fills you with doubt about the past and its effect upon the present and the future. You may reassess all that you have experienced up to this point and judge the results. It is possible that others do the judging for you using their positions to raise concerns about your ability to define your life. Regardless of the means, this often is a time to exercise your authority to form and to organize your life more effectively and to take charge of those around you if necessary. Although such measures tend to manifest outwardly, they may occur as an inner resolve to take command and become more apparent later on.
If you have been pursuing an objective with a single-minded purpose, this can bring completion to your work and a real sense of accomplishment. Still this interval denotes a beginning as well as a potential end so that you may take on a new set of responsibilities after accomplishing what you have started. If you are searching, conditions may identify significant issues that assist you to gain a more realistic perspective on your life, especially if you have avoided looking at things and yourself straight on. While you may not always like the reality presented, it serves to focus you on the one or two primary goals that you need to work toward. It is usually a time for less rather than more where you are left with what is essential, and the intent is clear.
Some more Interpretations of Transit Saturn Conjunct Saturn from our astrology reports and readings: |
Transit Saturn Conjunct Saturn
This is a very important year for you and marks the beginning of a 29-year cycle of personal growth. You’re challenged now to define your identity to the outside world, to become clearer about your personal goals, and to accept complete responsibility for your actions. You’re entering a new level of maturity and may respond by being more serious and focused, which is appropriate, but you need to avoid the tendency to be overly self-critical or place unrealistic expectations on yourself. You’ll feel more pressure to succeed and do your best work and may take on more responsibility during this time, whether you see this as a blessing or a curse. You may initiate a new project that will test your confidence and cause you to question your goals, or feel this pressure from authority figures who place high demands on you, with great expectations that you now feel you have to live up to. In either case, facing your insecurities is the only way to overcome them. Everything you do this year will seem to take longer than you expect and may be more difficult than you expect, but the underlying message is that nothing comes without hard work - and hard work is rewarded by success; remember this as you would a daily mantra. If you’re truly happy in your career, you’ll have greater opportunities to secure your position or prove your worth to other people. If you’re not happy in your career path and have been resisting change, it may be necessary now. It’s important that your life direction clearly reflects your identity, and that you’re fulfilled in your work. Take better care of your health, as you’re likely to carry more stress.
This Interpretation of Saturn Conjunct Saturn is from the Career Report astrology report by Kim Castella
Transit Saturn Conjunct Saturn
This period of time will be extremely significant and will help you put your life on track. This cycle will take place twice in your adult life; once at 28-30 years old, and again when you’re 58-60. The purpose of this challenge is to force you to confront the hard realities of life, take responsibility for your actions, and establish your place in the larger view of society. If you’re in the first cycle, you’ve probably been experiencing tremendous self-doubt in the last year or so. You now look at your life with a more serious attitude and are ready to make your mark in the world. You can no longer let fear or insecurity stand in the way of your success and are more determined to build real and lasting foundations to support your activities in the world. There are many structures that you’ve built in your life that seemed appropriate at the time, but you’ll now see the necessity of tearing some of theme down to clear the way for new growth. Unfortunately, you may not consciously acknowledge the importance of changing these old patterns and may fight to keep them in place, but they’ll change whether you cooperate or not. Loss and severe change are common during this time, but you won’t lose anything that you haven’t already outgrown. The most important thing is to act responsibly and trust that this process will bring you more confidence and inner security. If you’re in your late 50’s, this time represents the completion of a 30-year cycle of being responsible in the world, and you can now look forward to satisfying your need to be yourself. You may consider retirement or changing the way you work to allow more personal growth. Even if you continue working, your priorities will shift and you’ll be more attentive to your own needs. The changes that occur during this cycles may be extremely challenging and demanding, but you’ll gain insight into the reality of who you are and be more accepting of your strengths and weaknesses.
This Interpretation of Saturn Conjunct Saturn is from the Career Report astrology report by Kim Castella
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