Serious thinking may define this time period. Although you tend to learn well now, you do better with subjects that you know rather than experimenting with those that are new and out of your normal range of understanding. Still within the limits of your expertise, you can gain greater mastery because you likely show greater discipline and an inclination to complete tasks no matter how difficult. Generally, you focus well on detail, but you may lack a broader vision since your attention often stays locked on parts rather than the whole. If you can distinguish the important from the superficial, then you probably achieve quality results working on specific assignments.
You can speak with authority now, and the more you know about a certain topic, the more respect you likely receive. However, people or situations may point out clearly your shortcomings, especially regarding lack of comprehension. Wherever your knowledge is deficient, you can use time to apply yourself to correct it, as you can deepen your grasp of particular matters. Sometimes this period has you saying less, or you may prefer thoughtful communications to casual conversations.
A reluctance to commit to anything may appear since you often fear what you don?t understand, especially the future. Whatever commitment you do make now can obligate you for an extended period. If you know all the parameters, then this is an excellent time to enter into an agreement that may require specific duties. Although your shortsightedness may prevent you from looking ahead, you can benefit from beginning any course of study now or learning a new skill that has a practical application for long-term goals.
Careful selection of information that you receive and distribute can ensure no unpleasant surprises. Still, you likely find that important facts can have a significant impact upon you during this cycle. Restricted movements occasionally cause problems because you may not have access to what you did before. You can experience a slowing down of activities that sometimes causes delays and frustration in travel, especially within your immediate environment.
One lesson of this cycle is to concentrate on the most important idea that you have and develop it as fully as possible. Being scattered in thought likely means an inability to find the right answer at the right time whereas focused attention on the immediate situation can allow you to respond appropriately and skillfully to the moment. Sometimes, though, you tend to dwell on a detail to the exclusion of all else and can become disconnected. Strive to recognize the essence of each moment, respond to it, and then let it go.