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The astrology behind the COVID 19 pandemic – Saturn Conjunct Pluto Jan 2020.
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Saturn Transits

Every 7 years or so, Saturn will transit conjunct, square, or opposite a natal planet. When that natal planet is Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Mercury, Venus, or Mars, we feel the effects in a personal way depending on the planet involved. Contact with Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are felt over longer periods. The text below is the interpretation of Saturn transit when Conjunct Pluto
Saturn Conjunct Pluto
Less is often more during this cycle since conditions may force you to maintain only what is essential. By paring down in certain areas, you are left with all that really matters, and you can obtain a strong sense of what has to be done. Purposefulness may take the place of dissipation as you tend to find little time for idle pursuits. Sometimes you may experience a contraction of your resources and if you have exceeded your limits severely, you likely encounter some consequences. This period helps to adjust whatever is extreme whether it is too much or too little by showing what is necessary.

Circumstances may place you in positions of influence, although you may find your strength sternly tested. No matter what the situation, you generally learn a great deal about how to handle very demanding conditions. The tests that you undergo now can be very strenuous physically and in other ways as well. People in authority can serve to motivate you sometimes by their criticism and sometimes by their guidance. Typically, you are not a disinterested bystander over certain issues. There is often an urgency to this time that requires your complete attention. When you focus your power appropriately, you can accomplish great things now. This means pursuing what is right for you and being careful to maintain the highest standards in your pursuits. Be wary of letting the goal you seek justify your actions.

Significant beginnings are possible at this time which may demand a total commitment. Conditions are favorable to produce important decisions that may have a profound effect upon you and others. How you choose depends in large part on how well you distinguish between what you can and cannot control since you often encounter forces that are more than you can handle. The key here is to know your limits and to apply what you know determinedly. If you are certain of what you want, and it is consistent with your principles, then you can take steps now to achieve the most challenging goals.

Through persistent effort, you can complete arduous tasks. Frustration can arise, however, if you are off course or try to make things fit that do not go together. While it is often a natural inclination now to push very hard, you can find your progress slow and impeded. This often is a trial of stamina where perseverance furthers your advancement. Deliberate choices that are carefully considered and are acted upon with firm resolve can produce meaningful outcomes as long as you maintain patience.

Some more Interpretations of Transit Saturn Conjunct Pluto from our astrology reports and readings:
Transit Saturn Conjunct Pluto

This year will test the way you handle your personal power and ambition, and you may find the need to make significant changes in your life to achieve power and financial success. You may want to eliminate old structures in your life to clear the way for new cycles of growth, or your present situation may need a complete overhaul. You may also embark on a journey of self-empowerment or gain more experience in your line of work. However, there’s considerable limitation in place right now that will make these changes more difficult to achieve. You may have more difficulty with money and the normal resources that you count on may not be available; you should avoid amassing debt during this time. If you can appreciate the value of conserving your resources and effecting change with a patient and disciplined approach, you can experience great accomplishment, although it may take the entire year. You may have the tendency to hold all your feelings inside when obstacles become frustrating, but this will tend to build up and if you don’t have a healthy outlet, you may erupt with anger or resentment, which can be quite intense.

This Interpretation of Saturn Conjunct Pluto is from the Career Report astrology report by Kim Castella
Related Transits:  Saturn Conjunct Sun, Saturn Conjunct Moon, Saturn Conjunct Mercury, Saturn Conjunct Venus, Saturn Conjunct Mars, Saturn Conjunct Jupiter, Saturn Conjunct Saturn, Saturn Conjunct Uranus, Saturn Conjunct Neptune, Saturn Conjunct Ascendant, Saturn Conjunct Midheaven,
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