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Pluto Transits

Pluto takes approximately 248 years to travel 360 Degrees in the Zodiac and the twelve houses. The text below is the interpretation of Pluto transit when Square Neptune
Pluto Square Neptune
Although this period may transpire without events, it can have a strong effect on subtle areas of your life. Your sensitivity may intensify now, and you may attract extreme situations that you must accommodate. Although you may prefer to avoid certain issues, this cycle can urge you to embrace rather than to exclude. Because you are more impressionable than usual, you may have difficulty dealing with some of the matters that arise since they can involve some of your deepest concerns.

The upheaval that sometimes occurs often affects you on an internal level, although external circumstances can provide the trigger. You may come to terms with fears both personal and widespread as this cycle has a way of uncovering your vulnerabilities. One purpose here is for you to face misconceptions and misrepresentations so that you can begin to see more clearly. By confronting apprehensions directly, you can arrive at their source where they become undistorted. While they still may have power, they are localized rather than pervasive where they tend to undermine a wide area of your life. Finding the root of particular anxieties can open up more possibilities than you have considered and compel you to let go of illusions.

It can happen that this cycle reinforces worries, and can make particular facets of your life seem even more confusing than before. Doubts can become stronger, and the more you make an effort to resolve them, the less certainty may exist. You may struggle as you fight your way through a maze of contradictions that can surface, and you may have little or no resistance to the influences that surround you, particularly those that coerce you in some way. Acceptance of powerful forces that tend to detect your weakest points helps to dissipate their effect and clarify their intent.

While you can be exposed during this period, recognizing things for how they are can minimize the impact. It is when you ignore an influence that it can become substantially more debilitating. Generally this is a time of contemplation rather than action, although you may have to reflect on major questions that ultimately can reshape you significantly. Considering options, no matter how severe, can keep you flexible and the truth more accessible. Overcoming any problem or realizing a dream can motivate you to be honest in all that you do since the slightest deception will jeopardize insincere efforts.

Some more Interpretations of Transit Pluto Square Neptune from our astrology reports and readings:
Related Transits:  Pluto Square Sun, Pluto Square Moon, Pluto Square Mercury, Pluto Square Venus, Pluto Square Mars, Pluto Square Jupiter, Pluto Square Saturn, Pluto Square Uranus, Pluto Square Pluto, Pluto Square Ascendant, Pluto Square Midheaven,
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