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Neptune Transits

Neptune takes approximately 164 years to travel 360 Degrees in the Zodiac and the twelve houses. The text below is the interpretation of Neptune transit when Sextile Sun
Neptune Sextile Sun
Many possibilities may appear that afford you a chance to disengage from the demands of your life while also providing an opportunity to become more aligned with your true purpose. This is more of a time to step back rather than to move forward, although substantial success can accrue now, especially if you have laid the groundwork in the past for present fulfillment. However, you benefit from being less serious and letting go of control wherever feasible. You have the capacity to accept yourself more fully, which can give you access to a wider range of your abilities.

You may lead by example, as there often is congruency between what you do and who you are. You tend to understand the framework in which you operate, so that you can address easily the needs and issues of others. Being driven by altruistic interests rather than self-serving ones can earn you respect and a following, even if, or especially if, you don?t seek it. If you command an authoritative position, you likely show greater consideration for those under you. Generally you are more tolerant, and permitting more space for others and yourself can create greater unity.

Typically, you are more open now and can receive inspiration from any number of sources. Self-expression can happen effortlessly as you attune to the creative potential that you possess. Because you often look past limitations, you tend to dream big. Making plans for future success can motivate you now, and you usually see further than most at this time. Having visionary ideals that you carefully construct can equate to a long-term payoff. However, if it is only for your own gain, it may not have the same reward as one that is more inclusive in scope. This is an excellent time to surrender your ego for something larger than yourself as the satisfaction of serving others can enhance your own well-being.

This cycle offers as much as you want to accept. It is not really about taking but about giving and receiving. You have the opportunity to recognize the truth of who you are and to adjust your life in such a way that you pursue that truth above all else. If you have been less than honest over the years and have avoided facing the reality of your existence, this affords you a chance to forgive any missteps and to proceed free of the burdens that may have impeded your development. However, you must show a willingness to release what you carry. Otherwise you may experience a pleasant relief that is temporary, and this time may pass by without much notice.

Some more Interpretations of Transit Neptune Sextile Sun from our astrology reports and readings:
Transit Neptune Sextile Sun

The events of this period of time will give you perspective on the true meaning of your life and you may spend more time contemplating your direction. You may not feel very energetic or motivated, but now see the value in a more introspective attitude. Your concern for the welfare of other people will also be enhanced, and you’re more compassionate and sympathetic. You want more honesty in your communication and will shy away from frivolous interactions. You may begin a study of religion, metaphysics or other spiritual philosophies as you look for the real truth about your life, but false prophets won’t fool you easily. Your energy level may be low this year and you should rest adequately, and give yourself plenty of quiet time and as much solitude as you need.

This Interpretation of Neptune Sextile Sun is from the Career Report astrology report by Kim Castella
Transit Neptune Sextile Sun

The events of this period of time will give you perspective on the true meaning of your life and you may spend more time contemplating your direction. You may not feel very energetic or motivated, but now see the value in a more introspective attitude. Your concern for the welfare of other people will also be enhanced, and you’re more compassionate and sympathetic. You want more honesty in your communication and will shy away from frivolous interactions. You may begin a study of religion, metaphysics or other spiritual philosophies as you look for the real truth about your life, but false prophets won’t fool you easily. Your energy level may be low this year and you should rest adequately, and give yourself plenty of quiet time and as much solitude as you need.

This Interpretation of Neptune Sextile Sun is from the Career Report astrology report by Kim Castella
Related Transits:  Neptune Sextile Moon, Neptune Sextile Mercury, Neptune Sextile Venus, Neptune Sextile Mars, Neptune Sextile Jupiter, Neptune Sextile Saturn, Neptune Sextile Uranus, Neptune Sextile Neptune, Neptune Sextile Pluto, Neptune Sextile Ascendant, Neptune Sextile Midheaven,
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