Unexpected events often are to your benefit, and you may demonstrate greater faith in good luck which tends to attract it. It is possible that a reversal of fortune occurs during this cycle regardless of your status so that you may suddenly lose what you have gained. Although there is a strong element of change that exists now, it typically is for the better. Even if it appears as misfortune, events tend to orient you to a new direction that likely brings you future success.
Restlessness generally is a feature of this period, and you may have an inclination to travel, especially to unusual or unfamiliar places. Adventure can prove very exhilarating while providing a release from any built up tension. What you experience now, whether you visit distant shores or not, can offer you a unique perspective that may affect what you believe and expose you to many more possibilities than existed before. This usually is a very dynamic cycle where you can start fresh by breaking through to uncharted areas. You typically are more willing to try different things, and therefore you have more chances to expand your range. Conditions are right for exciting beginnings that can add a welcome dimension to your life and move you past previous limitations.
Your tendency is for less judgment and more spontaneity which can create some instability but also can enhance trust that all will work out in your favor or in a way that you can handle. Certain risks are often embraced rather than avoided, and you generally benefit from whatever steps you take even though the end result is not always what you anticipated. In fact, one of the purposes of this cycle is to learn to appreciate that change is the one reliable occurrence. Maintaining that attitude should prevent you from becoming stagnant or settling for less.
Circumstances may provoke sudden realizations that broaden your understanding, especially if you are set in your ways. Even if you are a free spirit, this period can generate some unusual insights that can surprise the most independent mind. Freedom is another characteristic of this cycle, and you do well when you have a minimum of restrictions at least for some moments during this interval. Although this usually is a revitalizing time which emphasizes what can be done rather than what can?t, exceeding all bounds is a possibility when you lack a sense of proportion. Sometimes there is an overload of stimuli that can make it difficult to process and to see clearly. Usually there is enough discontinuity to the rhythm, however, that allows for breaks and a time to take a breath.