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Uranus Transits

Uranus is a planet that disrupts and changes the status quo. It's energy is to free us from our routine and to try new things. Uranus takes approximately 84 years to travel 360 Degrees in the Zodiac and the twelve houses. The text below is the interpretation of Uranus transit when Opposition Saturn
Uranus Opposition Saturn
You may gain a very clear picture of your priorities, although what matters most may prove difficult to attain, at least for the moment. There is an element of surprise that typically runs through this cycle and which tends to disturb what you have built over an extended period of time. Sometimes what you have taken pains to develop can break apart if it is not firmly rooted. Even what you grasp tightly may come feel the pressure since this is a period where sudden realignments are possible. You may suddenly recognize whatever is out of place and is not working according to plan. To the extent that you know what you want, and it is consistent with your true needs, you likely find this period propels and excites you.

If the goals that you pursue are unsatisfying, you may awaken to the realization that you want something else or that what you have is no longer able to sustain your interest. While change can occur now, it often produces conflict. The pull of the past and what you have relied upon for so long may be opposed by the future and the promise of a new direction. Fear of leaving behind may contrast with the anticipation of moving forward. Depending on how rigid you are in particular areas usually determines the level of stress that can surface.

Although this period can highlight where you are most resistant, it also can clarify what should endure despite the environment of unpredictability that tends to surround you. The potential exists to gain insight into whatever or whomever has lasting meaning for you so that an unambiguous purpose may emerge uncluttered by extraneous pursuits. Your focus can become much sharper on the essential qualities of life. On a practical level, solving longstanding problems can happen now due to your ability to cut through personal biases to an objective point of view and approaching the same set of conditions from a unique angle.

This cycle may force you to contend with people or conditions that are different, sometimes very different. Your authority may be tested by what is unfamiliar and what you can?t control. Being set in your ways can make it more of a challenge since you likely experience insecurity when your established order appears threatened by what you consider counter to your dependable world. Having to manage elements that are outside of what you know can actually bring about greater reward and respect since it prompts you to grow rather than to settle for what is familiar. By exploring alternatives to conventional methods, you can further your reach, maintain a fresh perspective, and create a spark.

Some more Interpretations of Transit Uranus Opposition Saturn from our astrology reports and readings:
Transit Uranus Opposition Saturn

You have a powerful need for change now, but may not be aware of this need on a conscious level. You’ll just feel bored and restless, and the normal experiences of your everyday life won’t seem to give you enough stimulation or excitement. You may experience great fear about breaking free and exploring new ground, and will strongly resist any effort to pry you loose from your situation, even if you haven’t been happy. External factors will be much more unpredictable, and sudden changes may force you to abandon situations that seemed viable in the past. While this may be quite upsetting, you should now look deeper into yourself and see if these changes are really blessings. You have a chance to overcome the limitations of the past and experience a whole new perspective on your life direction, but things may happen so fast that you feel anxious about the future. On the other hand, you may be conscious of this need for change but will encounter more obstacles now than at other times. You may feel torn between your desire to overthrow any situation that feels restrictive, and your need for some level of stability in your life. As this tension becomes too strong, you may make a sudden career change or decide to relocate. This inner tension can be hard on your health and you should find a healthy outlet for this restlessness. Business partnerships will be more difficult during this time, as tension that’s been dormant rises to the surface now. One of you may want to revolutionize the business, while the other feels the need to hold steady. You may be on either end of this scenario but in either case, you’ll need to make some adjustments and compromise as much as possible; any partnership that has outlived its purpose or can’t be changed will likely end.

This Interpretation of Uranus Opposition Saturn is from the Career Report astrology report by Kim Castella
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