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Pluto Transits

Pluto takes approximately 248 years to travel 360 Degrees in the Zodiac and the twelve houses. The text below is the interpretation of Pluto transit when Sextile Mercury
Pluto Sextile Mercury
Deeper thinking may mark this period, as you have the ability to get below the surface to uncover important answers. While you may enjoy the strength that your mind likely has now, you can use it to your full advantage only by applying it. The kind of information that you receive now depends on the questions that you ask. You generally are unafraid to examine whatever is at face value until satisfied that the facts are correct. In this way you often avoid surprises. You usually are effective in solving problems, not only because of your probing mind, but also due to your perseverance. Once you get involved trying to find something out, you rarely quit until you know.

Sharp and intense can characterize your thoughts during this cycle, and you can further them through learning of any kind. You tend to learn new skills very thoroughly, as you are less likely to accept superficial efforts on any task by yourself or others. Whatever the topic, you have the opportunity to get the most out of it now, especially if it has importance to you. Any investigative research that you do probably gets results. This period can reshape your mind positively and profoundly, and you can focus on the essentials while dispensing with all that is extraneous. The more reflective that you are in your thinking, the more likely you will make meaningful discoveries.

Generally, you make very good decisions now. You tend to take the time to consider your choices, and once you make a selection you usually are firm in your position. Although you may seem unyielding at times, it is often because you are certain of being right. You may listen to the advice of others, but if your mind is made up, you likely will not change. Your communications now usually have the same conviction, and your words can be influential, not only in what you convey but also in how you say it. Sometimes this period can prompt you to speak out and speak up, especially when you have something to contribute.

Superficial details are likely not worth pursuing now, and you may avoid shallow exchanges. Connecting with others may occur at a deeper level than usual, and you can resolve differences by getting to the cause of any issue. Contracts signed now may have very favorable outcomes when the content really matters to you. Although there is intensity to this cycle that may make it seem serious, you can have a good time by pursuing fun that challenges you. Short trips can have a powerful effect upon you, particularly to recharge mentally. This is an excellent time for developing your mind and for finding greater meaning in the daily world you inhabit.

Some more Interpretations of Transit Pluto Sextile Mercury from our astrology reports and readings:
Transit Pluto Sextile Mercury

You have enormous mental capabilities during this time, including focused concentration and powers of persuasion. You have great insight and an ability to explore the deeper level of any information that interests you. This is an excellent time to initiate a research project, write a book or further your education, as you have a relentless drive to discover the truth and an insatiable need for information. You’re more accepting of new ideas and can easily incorporate new information into your present way of doing business. You’re more discriminating when evaluating new ideas and won’t be unduly influenced by the passion of other people. You’ll be an effective teacher or counselor during this time, as you have a sincere desire to empower others through increasing their understanding.

This Interpretation of Pluto Sextile Mercury is from the Career Report astrology report by Kim Castella
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Pluto Transits
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