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Neptune Transits

Neptune takes approximately 164 years to travel 360 Degrees in the Zodiac and the twelve houses. The text below is the interpretation of Neptune transit when Sextile Midheaven
Neptune Sextile Midheaven
You’re more concerned with finding spiritual satisfaction in your career path during this period of time, and can now make plans to relieve some of the pressures of your job. You may not feel as ambitious for material success or status and spend more time contemplating your future. You may make material sacrifices if you feel that financial concerns have taken too much of your attention away from finding personal and spiritual fulfillment in your work. You’re more empathetic to the needs of the general public and may work for charitable goals, or educate others to help them see their potential for success. You relate very well to authority figures during this time, as you’re sensitive and compassionate to their situation. You may also establish a confidante relationship with someone in power.
Some more Interpretations of Transit Neptune Sextile Midheaven from our astrology reports and readings:
Related Transits:  Neptune Sextile Sun, Neptune Sextile Moon, Neptune Sextile Mercury, Neptune Sextile Venus, Neptune Sextile Mars, Neptune Sextile Jupiter, Neptune Sextile Saturn, Neptune Sextile Uranus, Neptune Sextile Neptune, Neptune Sextile Pluto, Neptune Sextile Ascendant,
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