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Mars Transits

Mars transits to planets in the natal chart are brief influences, lasting approximately one to two days. Mars takes approx 2 years to travel 360 Degrees in the Zodiac and the twelve houses. The text below is the interpretation of Mars transit when Trine Midheaven
Mars Trine Midheaven
This is a good time to present yourself to authority figures and supervisors, as you’re cooperative and supportive of their actions. You know that you’ll benefit from maintaining good relations with those in power and can attract much needed support to further your business success. You may get good advice from an older person or an expert in the field, and this is a good time to gain more insight into how to be successful in your profession. You’re confident and courageous in your business ventures and have a great deal of focus for projects that are physically demanding. You may enjoy physical and competitive activities and will be a fierce adversary and a good sport, whether you win or lose, although you’re more likely to win during this time.
Some more Interpretations of Transit Mars Trine Midheaven from our astrology reports and readings:
Related Transits:  Mars Trine Sun, Mars Trine Moon, Mars Trine Mercury, Mars Trine Venus, Mars Trine Mars, Mars Trine Jupiter, Mars Trine Saturn, Mars Trine Uranus, Mars Trine Neptune, Mars Trine Pluto, Mars Trine Ascendant,
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