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Mars Transits

Mars transits to planets in the natal chart are brief influences, lasting approximately one to two days. Mars takes approx 2 years to travel 360 Degrees in the Zodiac and the twelve houses. The text below is the interpretation of Mars transit when Trine Jupiter
Mars Trine Jupiter
In trusting yourself and others, you generally experience the rewards of faith that is well placed. Confidence generates success, and you have the drive to do and to accomplish what is best. By taking the initiative, you find that things work to your benefit. Taking steps to improve your life or increase your knowledge usually means that doors will open up for you. Luck is available for you to push.
Some more Interpretations of Transit Mars Trine Jupiter from our astrology reports and readings:
Transit Mars Trine Jupiter

You’re bursting with positive energy during this time and focusing this tremendous potential will be your challenge. It seems as if you can accomplish anything no matter how great the challenge, and you have great faith in your abilities. You have a good overview of the situation and can put long-range plans into effect now, with enough physical energy to see them through. You have a good inner sense of balance between the desire to advance your own goals and the need to be fair and just in your actions, and will gain the respect of other people during this time. Your body is vigorous and energized, and you may enjoy physical work that’s satisfying or competing in a friendly game of sports. You may also enjoy passionate philosophical debates, but you happen to know that you’re right about everything and may need to practice more humility with other people who aren’t so enlightened.

This Interpretation of Mars Trine Jupiter is from the Career Report astrology report by Kim Castella
Related Transits:  Mars Trine Sun, Mars Trine Moon, Mars Trine Mercury, Mars Trine Venus, Mars Trine Mars, Mars Trine Saturn, Mars Trine Uranus, Mars Trine Neptune, Mars Trine Pluto, Mars Trine Ascendant, Mars Trine Midheaven,
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