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Mars Transits

Mars transits to planets in the natal chart are brief influences, lasting approximately one to two days. Mars takes approx 2 years to travel 360 Degrees in the Zodiac and the twelve houses. The text below is the interpretation of Mars transit when Opposition Mars
Mars Opposition Mars
Eager to take on anything, you have no time for a deliberate approach-charging ahead is your preferred strategy. Certain individuals can try your patience and frustrate your actions. Having a clear objective and some kind of plan helps you to succeed. While you are often full of courage, impulsive action, without forethought, can lead to a confrontation-and maybe you want that. Recognize the difference between what can motivate you for a sustained period and what captivates you for a brief moment.
Some more Interpretations of Transit Mars Opposition Mars from our astrology reports and readings:
Transit Mars Opposition Mars

You’re more than prepared for any personal battle that comes your way and if there aren’t any; you’ll likely initiate one. Your ego is actually rather fragile and you look for any opportunity to overpower other people to prove how tough you really are; ironically, when your ego is healthy there’s no need to prove yourself. Even minor disagreements with associates can turn into all-out wars and the harder you push; the harder they’ll push back. You can waste a lot of precious energy fighting rather than working on pursuing your own goals. Your physical energy is very high but you’re also more impatient, impulsive and volatile. You need to take special care when involved in any dangerous activities such as handling machines, tools, weapons, fire or motor vehicles, and will be prone to more accidents and injuries if you’re not careful.

This Interpretation of Mars Opposition Mars is from the Career Report astrology report by Kim Castella
Related Transits:  Mars Opposition Sun, Mars Opposition Moon, Mars Opposition Mercury, Mars Opposition Venus, Mars Opposition Jupiter, Mars Opposition Saturn, Mars Opposition Uranus, Mars Opposition Neptune, Mars Opposition Pluto, Mars Opposition Ascendant, Mars Opposition Midheaven,
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