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Neptune Transits

Neptune takes approximately 164 years to travel 360 Degrees in the Zodiac and the twelve houses. The text below is the interpretation of Neptune transit when Trine Sun
Neptune Trine Sun
You may enjoy yourself immeasurably during this period, despite the cares of the world. You generally function well outside as well inside the limits that define your life, and you can demonstrate a lightness that does not get weighed down by burdens. Even if you have significant responsibilities, you tend to accept them more readily, so that they seem less restrictive. You often find ways to disengage from the demands that drive you, and this is an excellent time to relax.

While you may fear being too vulnerable, people and circumstances are unlikely to take advantage of you if you open your heart now. Trust is easier to access within yourself. Faith in your abilities to accomplish certain objectives, especially ones that you love to pursue, can enhance your confidence, as you may release talents that were unavailable before. Inspiration can spark creativity. This is an excellent time to reshape your self-image, if necessary, since you typically find it easier to dissolve false perceptions of who you are. You can use this time to play a lot of different roles in order to see what ones you like, what ones seem to bring out the best in you. The boundaries that have defined you often appear less rigid, which can allow you to find what character(s) give you the greatest happiness.

Your life generally is more fluid now, and you can easily accommodate a wide range of experiences. Greater adaptability allows you to fit in almost wherever you go, and you likely show greater empathy than before. One of the gifts of this period is what you receive when you give. Differences that before separated you from people or places may dissipate, and sharing what resources you can likely fulfills you, as well as benefits others. Even in a leadership position you generally permit greater latitude to those under you, and you can demonstrate compassion that supersedes the letter of the law.

No matter what your status in life, pliancy is a strong characteristic of this cycle. Wherever you are inflexible or hard, this is an opportunity to loosen and soften certain edges. If you let go of outcomes, you can flow through this cycle and enjoy the ride while still winding towards your goal. Sometimes the line of least resistance is to do nothing, and it is possible that you lack motivation during this interval. Whether you are floating with the current or on the sidelines, both require little effort. However, one is dynamic and the other is static. It is your choice, and neither one is wrong.

Some more Interpretations of Transit Neptune Trine Sun from our astrology reports and readings:
Transit Neptune Trine Sun

This period of time will give you perspective on the true meaning of your life, and you may spend more time contemplating your direction. You may not feel very energetic or motivated, but now see the value in a more introspective attitude. You may also encounter situations that reveal some empirical truth about your life direction and are now more inspired to explore a new sense of identity. Your concern for the welfare of other people will also be enhanced and you’re compassionate and sympathetic. You want more honesty in your communication and will shy away from frivolous interactions. You may begin a study of religion, metaphysics or other spiritual philosophies as you look for the real truth about your life, but false prophets will not fool you easily. Your energy level may be low and you should rest adequately, and give yourself plenty of quiet time and as much solitude as you need.

This Interpretation of Neptune Trine Sun is from the Career Report astrology report by Kim Castella
Related Transits:  Neptune Trine Moon, Neptune Trine Mercury, Neptune Trine Venus, Neptune Trine Mars, Neptune Trine Jupiter, Neptune Trine Saturn, Neptune Trine Uranus, Neptune Trine Neptune, Neptune Trine Pluto, Neptune Trine Ascendant, Neptune Trine Midheaven,
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