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Venus Transits

Venus's transits to planets in the natal chart are brief influences, lasting approximately one to two days. Venus takes about 584 days to travel 360 Degrees in the Zodiac and the twelve houses. The text below is the interpretation of Venus transit when Conjunct Mars
Venus Conjunct Mars
Emotions run high today. Whatever attracts your attention, you tend to want and can be assertive in getting it. Happiness comes from doing something rather than being passive; a desire for harmony can cause you to take action. Whether stimulated or agitated by others, you get involved. While certain people pique your interest, you enjoy being on your own-or at least being in charge.
Some more Interpretations of Transit Venus Conjunct Mars from our astrology reports and readings:
Transit Venus Conjunct Mars

You feel attractive and more outgoing than usual, but your passion for other people may tempt you to initiate an office romance or engage in flirtatious behavior. You’re likely innocent in your intent but they may get a different signal as you radiate sexual energy, especially when dealing with members of the opposite sex. There’s a chance that you’ll initiate an important relationship today, but you need to be clear about your motives and make sure that they’re appropriate for the situation. Your creativity is very stimulated and you enjoy more physical forms of expression such as dancing, performing or otherwise using your body. This is a good time to pursue financial projects with a passion, with a precaution to watch acting impulsively or moving too fast in the beginning stages of executing your plans.

This Interpretation of Venus Conjunct Mars is from the Career Report astrology report by Kim Castella
Related Transits:  Venus Conjunct Sun, Venus Conjunct Moon, Venus Conjunct Mercury, Venus Conjunct Venus, Venus Conjunct Jupiter, Venus Conjunct Saturn, Venus Conjunct Uranus, Venus Conjunct Neptune, Venus Conjunct Pluto, Venus Conjunct Ascendant, Venus Conjunct Midheaven,
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