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Venus Transits

Venus's transits to planets in the natal chart are brief influences, lasting approximately one to two days. Venus takes about 584 days to travel 360 Degrees in the Zodiac and the twelve houses. The text below is the interpretation of Venus transit when Trine Neptune
Venus Trine Neptune
By forgetting your worries, you can enjoy feeling your connection to life and to others. Happiness is infectious-especially with people you like. A gentle approach heals differences. Because of available empathy and compassion, you can provide comfort to those who need you. Appreciation-both given and received-makes the world a brighter and lighter place. Kindness matters. Getting in tune with what you love dissolves all tension.
Some more Interpretations of Transit Venus Trine Neptune from our astrology reports and readings:
Transit Venus Trine Neptune

You’re very intuitive when dealing with other people and can read their moods, making it easier to detect dishonesty. You’re compassionate and sincerely interested in their welfare and may be involved in charitable acts or spend time comforting a friend. It will be more difficult to stay focused on mundane chores or responsibilities, and you need to watch excessive daydreaming. You may feel more intuitive in financial matters, but your idealism may draw you to projects that are worthwhile in principle and promise great rewards, but with a good chance that they’re too unrealistic or impractical in the real world; it’s best to get a second opinion when dealing with financial matters. Your creativity is flowing and you’ll enjoy staying in your imagination, and may want to leave the technical details of your project for another day.

This Interpretation of Venus Trine Neptune is from the Career Report astrology report by Kim Castella
Related Transits:  Venus Trine Sun, Venus Trine Moon, Venus Trine Mercury, Venus Trine Venus, Venus Trine Mars, Venus Trine Jupiter, Venus Trine Saturn, Venus Trine Uranus, Venus Trine Pluto, Venus Trine Ascendant, Venus Trine Midheaven,
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