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Uranus Transits

Uranus is a planet that disrupts and changes the status quo. It's energy is to free us from our routine and to try new things. Uranus takes approximately 84 years to travel 360 Degrees in the Zodiac and the twelve houses. The text below is the interpretation of Uranus transit when Square Saturn
Uranus Square Saturn
Depending how rigid you are in particular situations may determine how well you handle the unexpected twists and turns that can occur. If you are very set in your ways, unwelcome surprises can surface and upset what before seemed so reliable. If you are ready for something different or a break from the routine, this period may provide just that. While you may need to make some readjustments in your life now, you may find them difficult to accomplish. There is a tendency for this cycle to pressure wherever you have the most resistance and wherever you hold on the tightest.

Usually the stress that you may experience during this time is intermittent, but it can flare up acutely forcing you to come to terms with unforeseen elements. It is possible that you may consider making significant changes at this time either by preference or due to circumstance. Although conditions may warrant a sudden shift, the steps that you must take are not always easy, and they tend to go against your grain or an established pattern. Sometimes you have to make a choice between the past and the future and between new horizons and continuing obligations that bind you. This interval should make it clear where you are stuck as well as the value of maintaining what should endure.

Responsibility for something or someone unconventional may cause you to deal with those that defy order or defined rules. By having your authority tested, you can learn how to better manage what is outside your level of expertise, and in rising to the challenge, you can open wherever you are closed. Occasionally you may give or follow unpredictable commands that may appear out of character. You may have to contend with discontinuity since there typically is a sporadic disturbance to expectations that may bring inconsistency to what is usually very dependable.

If you demand complete control of your life and those around you, this period can unsettle you because of the likelihood of events that upset even the best-laid plans. Not knowing when such an intrusion will occur can be very trying and can spark fear of what you can?t control. One of the lessons here is recognizing that anything can happen at any time in spite of all precautions. Realizing this, you can become much more focused on the present moment rather than on the past or the future. In this way, you can respond appropriately to whatever is immediate rather than being frozen by indecision or subject to snap judgments. You then are effective whether everything goes according to schedule or not.

Some more Interpretations of Transit Uranus Square Saturn from our astrology reports and readings:
Transit Uranus Square Saturn

You have a powerful need for change now, but may not be aware of this need on a conscious level. You’ll just feel bored and restless, and the normal experiences of your everyday life won’t seem to give you enough stimulation or excitement. Even though you feel more cramped in your situation, you may experience a great fear of breaking free and exploring new ground or strongly resist any effort to pry you loose from your situation. External factors will be more unpredictable now, and sudden changes may force you to abandon situations that seemed viable in the past. While this may be quite upsetting, you should now look deeper into yourself and see if these changes are really blessings. You have a chance to overcome the limitations of the past and experience a whole new perspective on your life direction, but things may happen so fast that you feel anxious about the future. On the other hand, you may be conscious of this need for change but will encounter more obstacles now than at other times. You may feel torn between your desire to overthrow any situation that feels restrictive, and your need for some level of stability in your life. As this tension becomes too strong, you may make a sudden career change or decide to relocate. This inner tension can be hard on your health and you should find a healthy outlet for this restlessness.

This Interpretation of Uranus Square Saturn is from the Career Report astrology report by Kim Castella
Related Transits:  Uranus Square Sun, Uranus Square Moon, Uranus Square Mercury, Uranus Square Venus, Uranus Square Mars, Uranus Square Jupiter, Uranus Square Uranus, Uranus Square Neptune, Uranus Square Pluto, Uranus Square Ascendant, Uranus Square Midheaven,
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