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Mercury Transits

Mercury transits to planets in the natal chart are brief influences, lasting approximately a day. Mercury takes about 88 days to travel 360 Degrees in the Zodiac and the twelve houses. The text below is the interpretation of Mercury transit when Conjunct Pluto
Mercury Conjunct Pluto
Possessing a strong opinion, you may be compelled to speak-and forced to listen. Communicating your thoughts and feelings in whatever way is appropriate can provide a needed release. This often is an intense day for mental activity. With concerted effort, you can diminish the power of certain thoughts over you while increasing your power to think for yourself. Personal issues benefit from probing self-analysis and fearlessness of what you will uncover.
Some more Interpretations of Transit Mercury Conjunct Pluto from our astrology reports and readings:
Transit Mercury Conjunct Pluto

Your communication is extremely powerful today and you may not be aware of the impact your words have on other people – they’ll tend to feel interrogated or challenged. You have a need to be honest, sometimes brutally, which may be your way of gaining some advantage or control over your associates. When you focus and control this power, you’ll have tremendous determination and perception for any kind of mental research or investigation, or writing, teaching, counseling or empowering other people with your words. You’re not satisfied by superficial information and will explore the very core of the subject at hand. Secrets will be important; you may uncover secrets that have been kept from you, or keep secrets in order to gain power. In either situation, you need to stay very aware of the power of information.

This Interpretation of Mercury Conjunct Pluto is from the Career Report astrology report by Kim Castella
Related Transits:  Mercury Conjunct Sun, Mercury Conjunct Moon, Mercury Conjunct Mercury, Mercury Conjunct Venus, Mercury Conjunct Mars, Mercury Conjunct Jupiter, Mercury Conjunct Saturn, Mercury Conjunct Uranus, Mercury Conjunct Neptune, Mercury Conjunct Ascendant, Mercury Conjunct Midheaven,
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