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Mercury Transits

Mercury transits to planets in the natal chart are brief influences, lasting approximately a day. Mercury takes about 88 days to travel 360 Degrees in the Zodiac and the twelve houses. The text below is the interpretation of Mercury transit when Trine Mars
Mercury Trine Mars
You learn more by doing than by being a passive observer. Honing a skill means putting it into practice. With your thoughts and conduct in harmony, you can back up what you say with consistent action. This is an excellent time to plan, and you decide based on sound reasoning and courageous ideas. Following your impulses now almost always teaches you something that is useful.
Some more Interpretations of Transit Mercury Trine Mars from our astrology reports and readings:
Transit Mercury Trine Mars

Your communication is courageous and confident today, and you find it easy to stay focused and drive home your point. You’re mentally daring and up for battle, making this a good day for strategy sessions, formulating a plan of attack, or enjoying a good game of chess. You enjoy discussions that are challenging and passionate and may engage in friendly debate, but need to make sure that others know it’s all in fun. Your physical energy is high and you’re unusually coordinated, and may enjoy sports or racing, or a hectic pace when traveling or running errands.

This Interpretation of Mercury Trine Mars is from the Career Report astrology report by Kim Castella
Related Transits:  Mercury Trine Sun, Mercury Trine Moon, Mercury Trine Mercury, Mercury Trine Venus, Mercury Trine Jupiter, Mercury Trine Saturn, Mercury Trine Uranus, Mercury Trine Neptune, Mercury Trine Pluto, Mercury Trine Ascendant, Mercury Trine Midheaven,
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Found the reading dead-on. It described us to perfectly. Loved it!

"Shawna and Pete, United States"


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