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Mars Transits

Mars transits to planets in the natal chart are brief influences, lasting approximately one to two days. Mars takes approx 2 years to travel 360 Degrees in the Zodiac and the twelve houses. The text below is the interpretation of Mars transit when Square Moon
Mars Square Moon
Moods change quickly and routines get disrupted. Feelings heat up. Others should be careful when they challenge the people and things that are near and dear to you since you are ready to fight for them. Because you tend to take things personally, irritation flashes when needs go unmet. While insecurities sometimes show, you can see them for what they are. Involvement in personal matters and work around the home is a good use of energy. While it is difficult to plan, it is easy to react.
Some more Interpretations of Transit Mars Square Moon from our astrology reports and readings:
Transit Mars Square Moon

Little annoyances will frustrate you terribly during this time and you’re likely to react with emotional outbursts. Your temper has a hair trigger; especially in situations that affect you very personally such as someone making a personal comment about your motives. You may also rise to the defense of other people, whether or not they ask for your help. You need a thicker skin when doing business now and try not to take things too personally. Your home life is also affected by this tension and you may be more irritable with family members, or experience major frustrations when working around the house - be careful using tools and machinery.

This Interpretation of Mars Square Moon is from the Career Report astrology report by Kim Castella
Related Transits:  Mars Square Sun, Mars Square Mercury, Mars Square Venus, Mars Square Mars, Mars Square Jupiter, Mars Square Saturn, Mars Square Uranus, Mars Square Neptune, Mars Square Pluto, Mars Square Ascendant, Mars Square Midheaven,
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Mars transit moon, Mars transit natal moon, Mars square moon synastry, Mars square moon transit, Mars square moon composite, Mars square moon natal chart, Mars square moon compatability
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