This sometimes is a period of restlessness where you need more space to grow. If you have been restricted in any way, your life may open up more easily now, or you may no longer abide previous limitations, thus prompting you to seek greater freedom. Although you likely expand your horizons at this time, you sometimes expand too fast or without a sense of proportion, causing you to become overextended. Occasionally, this means enjoying material comforts to such an extent that you can gain weight readily or find yourself in debt due to excessive expenses.
Being generous can mean that you have difficulty saying no, and lack of discipline is sometimes a problem. This is not a time for undue control, however, at least in certain areas of your life. You tend to do better when you can disperse your energy in a number of different directions without a need for precision. Having a general idea, you can get along quite well in any situation, but any demand for detailed information may leave you uninspired. Principles often appeal to you more than isolated facts now, and it is possible that you have disagreements with others over a difference in beliefs. If challenged, especially over a strongly held viewpoint, you typically will defend yourself.
Without a clear set of principles as a guide, you can become lost or mistrust your direction. This may cause you to overcompensate so that you can come across with too much confidence belying a weak grasp of a situation. Sometimes you may exaggerate the importance of what is insignificant while undervaluing what is important. The opportunity exists now for you to see clearly the beliefs that matter to you and to discover or to develop those that can shape your life in a way that is right for you. Without a clear set of principles, it is difficult to appreciate the ups and downs of your existence because you have no context to understand the varied experiences that you encounter. With them you can maintain faith no matter what the circumstance.
You likely engage life in a big way now. You tend to dream big and to pursue large undertakings. While you can attain great success during this cycle, it usually requires a strong sense of where you are going. If you avoid risk, you may miss out on certain opportunities, but assuming large stakes can deplete your resources and prove costly. Strive to maintain balance as it is easy to inflate the value of a pleasure, an idea, or a person. You tend to learn a lot now, and you can prosper when knowledge has meaning for you rather than merely being a stream of passing interests.