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Daily Biorhythms and Biorhythm Charts
The Biorhythm ChartsThe effect of Daily Biorhythms

Physical Cycle | Emotional Cycle | Intellectual Cycle | Intuitional Cycle

The intellectual biorhythm cycle: (duration: 33 days) << back

A person's mental state is reflected in the third rhythm, the so-called mind rhythm (Blue line). It lasts 33 days. The intellectual curve is named after its discoverer, Dr. Teltscher. This rhythm does not just describe intellectual ability, but also the mental state that is expressed in self-confidence or in a manner of thinking. For this reason we are concentrated and mentally flexible in the first phase; our learning ability and intelligence are good, so that preparations for an examination will be productive and mental challenges should be started during this time, if it is possible. While crossing the middle line, after 16.5 days, confusion, indecision or inability to concentrate may set in, which is why it would be better to make important decisions or negotiations on some other day. In the second, or recovery phase, we need a time to digest what we have learned or to calmly contemplate past experiences. Reflexes and response time will be lowered. Number of Sites offer Free Biorhythms, choose one that offers an interactive Biorhythm Chart to find your cycle peaks and valleys.

Your Intellectual Curve During its Positive Phase

Your intellectual abilities will not let you down. Solid reasoning and alertness are characteristic of this period. The key word is mental activity, which is why you learn so quickly and show so much interest in everything that is going on around you. From a business perspective, this is a good time to put together a proposal or try to close the sale. If you were able to schedule your examinations during this time, that would be an advantage, or you could look for some other intellectual challenge.

Your Intellectual Curve During its Critical Phase of Transition

You may sense some irritation and may even lose sight of what you are doing or even begin to doubt your abilities. That can lead you to wrong conclusions, which is why you should avoid making important decisions during this period; put them off for another day. Your mental presence will be limited, so be cautious.

Your Intellectual Curve During its Negative Phase

During this period you will not feel mentally fit, and your power of concentration may slack off. Do not take on too much and come to terms with the fact that it's time to recharge your mental batteries. Naturally you cannot just shut yourself down, but it may do you good to keep things simple; otherwise you could try to switch your activities to the physical realm.

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Physical Cycle | Emotional Cycle | Intellectual Cycle | Intuitional Cycle

Daily Biorhythms and Biorhythm Charts
The Biorhythm ChartsThe effect of Daily Biorhythms

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