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The Psyche and Eros Relationship Analysis for

                            Ryan Meg


                          Crowe Russell

                      Birth Data for Ryan:

                        November 19, 1961
                            12:00 PM
                    Fairfield, Connecticut   

                      Birth Data for Crowe:

                          April 7, 1964
                            12:00 PM
                    Wellington, New Zealand  

                        Veraxs Int'l Inc.
                     3355 Bee Cave Road #606
                      Austin, TX 78746 USA
                       Phone: 512-826-5401
            The Psyche and Eros Compatibility Report

     What is it you want to know when you are checking out a
romantic relationship? Basically two things. First, you want to
understand the emotional needs, temperament, hang-ups and issues
each person brings to the relationship. In other words, the
relationship potential of each person. And then, of course, you
want to understand how the emotional needs, temperament,
hang-ups and issues of one person relate to those of another
person in order to see how they would get along. In other words,
the compatibility analysis.

     The first two sections of the complete Psyche and Eros
Relationship Analysis describes the relationship potential of
each person. Sections 3 and 4 is the compatibility analysis and
describes how the two people experience each other and the
relationship from the perspective of each person.

     The myth of Psyche and Eros is a love story which shows the
soul's longing for -- and ultimate attainment of -- love.

     Your birth chart interpretation is based on the positions
of the planets at the time of your birth. For the benefit of
students of astrology, these positions, along with other
technical information, are listed below:

Data for Ryan:                     Data for Crowe:
Tropical Zodiac                    Tropical Zodiac
Standard time observed             Standard time observed
Time Zone: 5 hours West            Time Zone: 12 hours East
GMT: 17:00:00                      GMT: 00:00:00
41 N 08        73 W 15             41 S 18        174 E 47   

Sun   27 deg 08 min Sco            Sun   17 deg 12 min Ari
Merc  12 deg 28 min Sco            Merc   6 deg 20 min Tau
Venus 10 deg 37 min Sco            Venus  2 deg 54 min Gem
Mars   4 deg 10 min Sag            Mars   6 deg 37 min Ari
Jup    2 deg 13 min Aqu            Jup   28 deg 44 min Ari
Sat   25 deg 27 min Cap            Sat    1 deg 25 min Pis
Uran   0 deg 25 min Vir            Uran   6 deg 29 min Vir
Nept  11 deg 39 min Sco            Nept  17 deg 14 min Sco
Pluto 10 deg 00 min Vir            Pluto 12 deg 06 min Vir

Note: Birth time of at least one person is not precise.
SECTION I:  How Ryan Relates to Other People

Mercury Conjunct Neptune with an orb between 1/2 and 1 degree

     Your imagination is so powerful that, if you don't have a
strong creative or spiritual outlet, you may at times be
over-influenced by your own fantasies or those of others. Beware
of gullibility. In the long run, telling the truth is in your
best interest.

Mercury Conjunct Venus with an orb between 1 and 3 degrees

     Intelligence is sexy to you. If a person you find
physically attractive isn't also bright, verbal and someone you
can talk to, you're not interested. You have a highly developed
aesthetic sense and are drawn to people of taste, wit and

Venus Conjunct Neptune with an orb between 1 and 3 degrees

     Love for you is often a "divine discontent". You are so
romantic and idealistic it is difficult for any mortal person to
sustain your interest without disappointing you. Your need to
idealize loved ones may make you susceptible to illusion.

Venus Sextile Pluto with an orb of less than 1 degree

     When it comes to love, you are definitely not casual. You
yourself may be surprised at the depths of feeling a close
relationship brings to the surface. You love deeply and
passionately and do not understand people who are incapable of
making lasting commitments.

Mercury Quintile Saturn with an orb of less than 1 degree

     You are extremely well-organized and anyone who isn't
equally so would annoy you. You are also very practical and fond
of routine. A madcap type you couldn't depend on would
ultimately make you miserable - no matter how intense the
initial emotional attraction.

Mercury Quintile Uranus with an orb of less than 1 degree

     You have an innovative turn of mind and may have a talent
for an unusual subject. Your ideas are often considered to be
ahead of your time. You can be somewhat impersonal and detached
- even with close ties. You need to share controversial ideas
with friends.

Sun Square Uranus with an orb between 3 and 5 degrees

     You are restless and independent and, no matter how close
you become to someone, you always remain your own person and
there is a part of yourself you cannot share. You are
uncompromisingly true to your convictions which must be shared
by those close to you.

Sun Sextile Saturn with an orb between 1 and 5 degrees

     You are serious, responsible, well-organized and
protective. You take care of the people to whom you are close
and see to it that their practical needs are attended to. For
you a relationship is successful when it falls into a
comfortable, pleasant routine.

Mercury Sextile Pluto with an orb between 1 and 5 degrees

     You are extremely persuasive and, perhaps, skilled at
manipulating others to share your views. Your intuition is
powerful and the research skills which may help you
professionally also manifest in your private life. You know
everyone's deepest secrets.

Venus Quintile Saturn with an orb between 1 and 3 degrees

     While you may not be emotionally demonstrative or
sentimental, you love deeply, lastingly and loyally. You may be
strongly drawn to people either much older or much younger than
you are. Love, for you, has always entailed an enormous amount
of responsibility.

Venus Quintile Uranus with an orb between 1 and 3 degrees

     There is nothing humdrum about the way that you love. You
have a flair for the unusual and the creative and are drawn to
those who shun the conventional. You shy away from those who
tend to be over-possessive. Your love affairs are also wonderful

Sun Conjunct Mars with an orb between 5 and 8 degrees

     If you act upon your natural instincts, you are aggressive,
sexual and competitive. If you do not, you may be somewhat
passive and fearful with a great deal of repressed anger which
expresses itself in temper. Your ego needs are exceptionally

SECTION II:  How Crowe Relates to Other People

Mercury Trine Uranus with an orb of less than 1/2 degree

     You have an innovative turn of mind and may have a talent
for an unusual subject. Your ideas are often considered to be
ahead of your time. You can be somewhat impersonal and detached
- even with close ties. You need to share controversial ideas
with friends.

Venus Square Saturn with an orb between 1 and 3 degrees

     Since you were a child you have felt you could not just be
yourself and be loved. You had to earn your love in some way by
being or doing something special. You are far more
self-protective than most people realize. Your best love
partners are also work partners.

Sun SemiSquare Venus with an orb of less than 1 degree

     Your love nature is very turbulent. You form relationships
impulsively and then worry it's with the wrong person. There
seems to be a dichotomy between the person you know yourself to
be and the person you feel you should be in order to be valued
and loved.

Sun SemiSquare Saturn with an orb of less than 1 degree

     Your self-esteem is based less upon what you are in your
own or others' eyes than on what you do. You may become so
compulsive about achievement that you cannot relax into a warm,
enduring relationship until you have achieved some success in
your career.

Venus Square Uranus with an orb between 3 and 5 degrees

     You need to be close and you need to be free. This is a
major life conflict which has always created complications for
you in close personal relationships. One manifestation of this
may be a tendency to pursue the unavailable or the unreliable.

Mercury Sextile Saturn with an orb between 1 and 5 degrees

     You are extremely well-organized and anyone who isn't
equally so would annoy you. You are also very practical and fond
of routine. A madcap type you couldn't depend on would
ultimately make you miserable - no matter how intense the
initial emotional attraction.

Venus Sextile Mars with an orb between 1 and 5 degrees

     Your love nature and your sexual nature are happily in
harmony. You're comfortable with your sexual role as you
perceive it and rarely go for any period of time without an
intimate relationship. You need love, go after it and always
manage to find it.

Mercury Conjunct Jupiter with an orb between 5 and 8 degrees

     Details are not your cup of tea. You are fascinated by
philosophy and the world of ideas. You are a great talker and
reader and your best companions will be those who share your
concepts and ideals. You prefer professional people with a
certain flair.

Mercury Trine Pluto with an orb between 5 and 8 degrees

     You are extremely persuasive and, perhaps, skilled at
manipulating others to share your views. Your intuition is
powerful and the research skills which may help you
professionally also manifest in your private life. You know
everyone's deepest secrets.

SECTION III:  The Relationship from Ryan's Point of View

     Ryan, the following information explains how you view your
relationship with Crowe, and explores some of the major issues
that arise.

Your Mercury Sextile Crowe's Pluto (orb < 1 deg)

     Crowe respects your intelligence and may be more influenced
by your thinking than you realize. You, in turn, admire Crowe's
magnetism and authority and find it motivates you to develop and
analyze ideas which  might not otherwise have surfaced.

Your Mercury Conj Crowe's Neptune (orb 1-5 deg)

     Do you really understand Crowe's dreams and ideals? Perhaps
not. Perhaps Crowe senses that you would consider them
unrealistic or impractical and doesn't always share private
feelings or thoughts with you. You may sometimes find Crowe

Your Venus Oppos Crowe's Mercury (orb 1-5 deg)

     Communication and shared intellectual interests are an
important part of your relationship but sometimes Crowe's way of
speaking or writing rubs you the wrong way. It's not exactly
what is being said, but the way it's being said that may tend to
bother you.

Your Mars Oppos Crowe's Venus (orb 1-5 deg)

     There is a powerful sexual energy between you which is
somewhat complicated by your different emotional styles.
Elusiveness does not exactly put you off and, at times, you come
on too strong. If yours is not a sexual relationship, you will
make war not love.

Your Sun Square Crowe's Saturn (orb 1-5 deg)

     Your connection with Crowe is strangely bonding. If you are
willing to submit to the restrictions and responsibilities this
relationship imposes, it will be a lifetime tie which will
improve with time. This can never be a casual relationship.

Your Mars Square Crowe's Saturn (orb 1-5 deg)

     On one level Crowe fascinates you and motivates you to be
the best that you can be. On another, there is something about
Crowe which pressures you somehow and can lead to resentment. If
this is not dealt with openly, it can inhibit sexual

Your Mars Square Crowe's Uranus (orb 1-5 deg)

     One thing's for sure: this relationship isn't dull. It may
be unpredictable and drive you crazy but Crowe definitely
doesn't bore you and can always get a reaction from you. Crowe
fascinates you and often gets you to do things you ordinarily
Your Mars Trine Crowe's Mars (orb 1-5 deg)

     You operate on a similar wave length and would do well both
working together and playing together. Your physical energy
complements Crowe's and you tend to have ups and downs at the
same time which bodes well for sexual harmony and mutual

Your Venus Sextile Crowe's Uranus (orb 1-5 deg)

     You were attracted immediately. There was something unique
about Crowe which caught your attention. You sensed a special
insight into your deepest-felt values and this inspired in you
feelings of warmth. You may share unusual or advanced

Your Venus Sextile Crowe's Pluto (orb 1-5 deg)

     Crowe holds a special fascination for you. The bond between
you might be somewhat obsessive. Crowe often exerts an influence
over you others may find difficult to understand. This
relationship can transform the way you love and relate the rest
of your life.

Your Mercury Quincunx Crowe's Sun (orb 1-5 deg)

     You may occasionally be a little intimidated by Crowe or
feel your ideas and opinions are either misunderstood or not
being taken seriously. Even while you're defending your views,
Crowe has a way of making you feel privately insecure about your

Your Mars Quincunx Crowe's Mercury (orb 1-5 deg)

     Your impatience or bossiness cuts no ice whatsoever with
Crowe who will state personal opinions quite clearly and do
whatever has to be done when and if the mood -- not you --
dictates. This may make for some lively moments between you
which, on some level, you enjoy.

Your Mercury does not aspect Crowe's Mercury

     You don't think alike. Even if you are in emotional accord,
there are times you seriously question if you see the same world
since, while your perceptions are not necessarily in conflict,
they are so different. Discussions are rarely fruitful or

Your Mercury does not aspect Crowe's Venus

     There is something about Crowe's personal style and taste
and way of expressing affection which doesn't comfortably merge
with your own. It may not exactly lead to war, but it may have
delayed the initial attraction. Your philosophies aren't quite
in sync.

Your Venus does not aspect Crowe's Venus

     While you may be very fond of each other, you're quite
dissimilar in some important ways. Your tastes diverge widely
and you tend to express love very differently. You don't like
the same people and have different interests. You wish Crowe
dressed differently.

SECTION IV:  The Relationship from Crowe's Point of View

     Crowe, the following information explains how you view your
relationship with Ryan, and explores some of the major issues
that arise.

Your Venus Trine Ryan's Jupiter (orb < 1 deg)

     The affection and good feeling you share are so strong, you
are inclined to share projects and activities which will be
lucky and fulfilling for you both. Ryan's kindness and
generosity expands your feelings and your love inspires Ryan to
be successful.

Your Mercury Oppos Ryan's Venus (orb 1-5 deg)

     You are especially responsive to the way Ryan loves and
expresses affection. You also share many of the same values and
tastes. You love and have an aesthetic appreciation of Ryan's
looks, personal style and creativity. You genuinely like each

Your Venus Oppos Ryan's Mars (orb 1-5 deg)

     When you first met, you felt a strong but unsettling sexual
attraction. While there was no question that the interest was
reciprocated, perhaps Ryan came on a little too strong. While
the sexual energy continues to be volatile, you wish Ryan was
more romantic.

Your Mercury Square Ryan's Jupiter (orb 1-5 deg)

     The two of you talk easily. Ryan enables you both to expand
your ideas and to express them. If anything, Ryan tends to
trigger so much enthusiasm in you, sometimes you say more than
you should. You trust Ryan's intelligence and guidance.

Your Venus Square Ryan's Uranus (orb 1-5 deg)

     You were attracted immediately. There was something unique
about Ryan which caught your attention. You sensed a special
insight into your deepest-felt values and this inspired in you
feelings of warmth. You may share unusual or advanced

Your Mercury Trine Ryan's Pluto (orb 1-5 deg)

     Ryan respects your intelligence and may be more influenced
by your thinking than you realize. You, in turn, admire Ryan's
magnetism and authority and find it motivates you to develop and
analyze ideas which  might not otherwise have surfaced.

Your Mars Trine Ryan's Mars (orb 1-5 deg)

     You operate on a similar wave length and would do well both
working together and playing together. Your physical energy
complements Ryan's and you tend to have ups and downs at the
same time which bodes well for sexual harmony and mutual

Your Mars Sextile Ryan's Jupiter (orb 1-5 deg)

     You really enjoy being together, sharing interests and
activities. This is a productive working relationship as well as
a satisfying personal one. You enjoy helping Ryan to grow and
achieve and Ryan stimulates your best energy. Over-enthusiasm
leads to excesses.

Your Sun Sesqu. Ryan's Mars (orb 1-5 deg)

     Ryan arouses in you either love or hate - nothing lukewarm
here. There is a strong underlying sexual energy and if
circumstances make this inappropriate, it may manifest in
competitiveness or quarreling. Here is someone who really
challenges you.

Your Sun Sesqu. Ryan's Uranus (orb 1-5 deg)

     You were attracted from the very first meeting. You felt,
on one hand, that you completely understood Ryan and, on the
other, that you never knew what to expect next. You admire
Ryan's originality. It taps into a uniqueness of your own.

Your Sun Quincunx Ryan's Mercury (orb 1-5 deg)

     Sometimes it seems to you that when Ryan is speaking, it is
not with a clear perception of who you are or what you believe
to be true. This may make you a little uncomfortable. Watch a
tendency to be a little overbearing.

Your Mercury Quincunx Ryan's Mars (orb 1-5 deg)

     While you may often enjoy Ryan's energy, at times it
irritates you and you are not at all shy about expressing your
irritation. You don't like the way Ryan tries to rush you or to
overrun your ideas -- particularly when it's done aggressively.
You fight a lot.

Your Mars Quincunx Ryan's Venus (orb 1-5 deg)

     There is a powerful sexual energy between you which is
somewhat complicated by your different emotional styles.
Elusiveness does not exactly put you off and, at times, you come
on too strong. If yours is not a sexual relationship, you will
make war not love.
Your Mercury does not aspect Ryan's Mercury

     You don't think alike. Even if you are in emotional accord,
there are times you seriously question if you see the same world
since, while your perceptions are not necessarily in conflict,
they are so different. Discussions are rarely fruitful or

Your Venus does not aspect Ryan's Venus

     While you may be very fond of each other, you're quite
dissimilar in some important ways. Your tastes diverge widely
and you tend to express love very differently. You don't like
the same people and have different interests. You wish Ryan
dressed differently.
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