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The Psyche and Eros Relationship Analysis for

                          Russell Kurt


                           Hawn Goldie

                     Birth Data for Russell:

                         March 17, 1951
                            10:42 AM
                    Springfield, Massachusett

                      Birth Data for Hawn:

                        November 21, 1945
                             9:20 AM
                    Washington Harbor, Washin

                        Veraxs Int'l Inc.
                     3355 Bee Cave Road #606
                      Austin, TX 78746 USA
                       Phone: 512-826-5401
            The Psyche and Eros Compatibility Report

     What is it you want to know when you are checking out a
romantic relationship? Basically two things. First, you want to
understand the emotional needs, temperament, hang-ups and issues
each person brings to the relationship. In other words, the
relationship potential of each person. And then, of course, you
want to understand how the emotional needs, temperament,
hang-ups and issues of one person relate to those of another
person in order to see how they would get along. In other words,
the compatibility analysis.

     The first two sections of the complete Psyche and Eros
Relationship Analysis describes the relationship potential of
each person. Sections 3 and 4 is the compatibility analysis and
describes how the two people experience each other and the
relationship from the perspective of each person.

     The myth of Psyche and Eros is a love story which shows the
soul's longing for -- and ultimate attainment of -- love.

     Your birth chart interpretation is based on the positions
of the planets at the time of your birth. For the benefit of
students of astrology, these positions, along with other
technical information, are listed below:

Data for Russell:                  Data for Hawn:
Tropical Zodiac                    Tropical Zodiac
House System: PLACIDUS             House System: PLACIDUS
Standard time observed             Standard time observed
Time Zone: 5 hours West            Time Zone: 8 hours West
GMT: 15:42:00                      GMT: 17:20:00
42 N 06        72 W 35             48 N 04        123 W 02   

Sun   26 deg 15 min Pis            Sun   29 deg 03 min Sco
Moon  17 deg 17 min Can            Moon  28 deg 14 min Gem
Merc   2 deg 19 min Ari            Merc  20 deg 49 min Sag
Venus 25 deg 25 min Ari            Venus 11 deg 48 min Sco
Mars  12 deg 06 min Ari            Mars   2 deg 07 min Leo
Jup   21 deg 46 min Pis            Jup   18 deg 29 min Lib
Sat   29 deg 13 min Vir            Sat   24 deg 41 min Can
Uran   5 deg 24 min Can            Uran  16 deg 06 min Gem
Nept  18 deg 46 min Lib            Nept   7 deg 57 min Lib
Pluto 17 deg 50 min Leo            Pluto 11 deg 47 min Leo
Asc.   0 deg 22 min Can            Asc.  19 deg 54 min Sag
MC     5 deg 31 min Pis            MC    18 deg 46 min Lib
2nd   19 deg 56 min Can            2nd   28 deg 53 min Cap
3rd   10 deg 26 min Leo            3rd   13 deg 37 min Pis
5th    9 deg 10 min Lib            5th   13 deg 36 min Tau
6th   21 deg 11 min Sco            6th    2 deg 46 min Gem
SECTION I:  How Russell Relates to Other People

Capricorn on 7th house cusp

     You are emotional, sensitive, domestic and extremely
self-protective. Your relationship with your parents was not
balanced in that you were far more affected by your mother than
you were by your father. You unconsciously seek your father's
qualities in a partner.

     The people you are close to are well-organized, ambitious
and, at times, a bit melancholy. They give your life structure
and take care of you practically and materially (not necessarily
financially) the way you take care of them emotionally. You
create a nest.

     You are a nurturing, loving, parenting person who likes to
take care of people. You try to create an emotionally safe space
for Hawn to enable the sharing of inner needs and longings that
people outside the home would never suspect. Privacy makes the
relationship special for you.

     Your partners usually require a good deal of attention.
They are often serious people and sometimes rather
depression-prone. They tend to be ambitious and successful but
not very expressive emotionally. They may require more
understanding than they give.

Saturn, Ruler of 7th house, is in 4th:

     Your intimate relationships are impacted more by what you
saw of your parents' relationship than most people.  In your
household, your mother's influence was powerful while your
father was frequently absent either emotionally or physically.
This imbalance left you with a yearning for a stable home shared
with a perfect mate and, at the same time, a concern about its
ever happening.  That concern could manifest unconsciously in an
inclination to choose the wrong people so that the relationship
could not last or, more likely, allow your abandonment anxieties
to seep into the relationship, building the very walls you

     In time, you may outgrow this simultaneous fear of being
alone and fear of dependency.  You may learn that losing a
relationship can hurt but not destroy.  In fact, sometimes good
things grow out of bad situations.  When something long-feared
actually occurs and you survive, you find that your usual
defenses -- which tend to keep out the good as well as the bad
-- are no longer needed.  You can risk intimacy and allow
yourself to connect with someone who can commit in a
relationship that can work.

Uranus Trine MC with an orb of less than 1/2 degree

     It's never been possible for you to live according to
anyone else's timetable. For that reason, you prefer to work for
yourself and make your own rules. In order for you to sustain a
close, personal tie, you must find someone as independent as you
Sun Opposition Saturn with an orb between 1 and 3 degrees

     Your self-esteem is based less upon what you are in your
own or others' eyes than on what you do. You may become so
compulsive about achievement that you cannot relax into a warm,
enduring relationship until you have achieved some success in
your career.

Moon Square Neptune with an orb between 1 and 3 degrees

     Your mother was either over-idealized or rejected as a
feminine role model. You did not get a clear sense of who you
were as a child and, as a result, may set impossibly high
standards for yourself. You tend to be a loner.

Mercury Square Asc. with an orb between 1 and 3 degrees

     You relate to your world through your intellect but you may
be so absorbed in your own ideas or projects that you don't
always perceive when misunderstandings or cross-purposes place
you at odds with others and set up unnecessary barriers to

Saturn Square Asc. with an orb between 1 and 3 degrees

     You were not encouraged to be overly expressive when you
were a child and as an adult still tend to be somewhat reserved.
You often give the impression of being serious or even stern
when, in truth, you are simply feeling shy or self-protective.

Mercury Sesquiquadrate Pluto with an orb of less than 1 degree

     You're not awfully good at being disagreed with. You delve
into matters, think them through thoroughly and expect your
conclusions to be universally shared. Flexibility is not your
strong suit. No one should try to lie to you or keep things from
you. Somehow you ferret out others' secrets although you keep
your own.

Sun Conjunct Jupiter with an orb between 3 and 5 degrees

     You have a genial, pleasant quality which inspires
confidence in others. It sometimes surprises you the way people
trust you with their innermost thoughts. Moral integrity is
important to you and, while you are not judgmental, you will not
violate a principle.

Mercury Opposition Saturn with an orb between 3 and 5 degrees

     You are a serious person and inclined to be somewhat
inflexible in your thinking. Since you tend to be rather
judgmental, you could only be happy with someone who is in
philosophical agreement with you and conceptualizes the world as
you do. Sometimes you are rather taciturn.

Sun Square Asc. with an orb between 3 and 5 degrees

     You have a strong, dynamic personality which is not always
supported by the inner confidence that you are sufficiently
recognized and respected. You may, at times, over-compensate for
this anxiety by being excessively assertive or egocentric.

Mercury Square Uranus with an orb between 3 and 5 degrees

     Brilliant and original as you are, you can also be
difficult and unpredictable. Close ties may complain they never
know when you are going to show up or what you're planning next.
You are easily bored and love people who can both stimulate and
surprise you.

Moon Trine Jupiter with an orb between 3 and 5 degrees

     You are comfortable with yourself. You were well taken care
of as a child and it left you with the pleasant security that it
would always be so. You exude this quality and people who are
considerably less secure feel better just by being in your

Venus Sextile Asc. with an orb between 1 and 5 degrees

     You are personally attractive with a natural charm which
tends to draw people to you. Your native courtesy tends to make
others assume that you share their values even when this isn't
quite the case. You are unusually sensitive to others'

Venus Quintile Uranus with an orb between 1 and 3 degrees

     There is nothing humdrum about the way that you love. You
have a flair for the unusual and the creative and are drawn to
those who shun the conventional. You shy away from those who
tend to be over-possessive. Your love affairs are also wonderful

Uranus Conjunct Asc. with an orb between 5 and 8 degrees

     You are an unusual person and are often perceived as "ahead
of your time" in some way. Friendship is very important to you -
especially in your love affairs. You don't like relationships
which are overly defined or confining. You must feel free to

Venus Opposition Neptune with an orb between 5 and 8 degrees

     Love for you is often a "divine discontent". You are so
romantic and idealistic it is difficult for any mortal person to
sustain your interest without disappointing you. Your need to
idealize loved ones may make you susceptible to illusion.

Moon Square Mars with an orb between 5 and 8 degrees

     Your love-hate relationship with your mother has led to an
emotional ambivalence in current close ties. You are, at once,
very needy and very angry about your neediness. This may make
you somewhat cantankerous at times. You are very

Venus Trine Pluto with an orb between 5 and 8 degrees

     When it comes to love, you are definitely not casual. You
yourself may be surprised at the depths of feeling a close
relationship brings to the surface. You love deeply and
passionately and do not understand people who are incapable of
making lasting commitments.

Sun does not aspect Moon

     Your parents' interests and emotional natures, while not in
violent conflict, were so different it was hard to understand
how they ever came together. You associate close relationships
with both longing and loneliness and may be unclear about

Moon does not aspect Mercury

     It's as if the emotional and rational sides of your nature
take turns expressing themselves. You are either utterly
detached and objective about a situation or so emotionally
involved you have no perspective. You are not in touch with your

SECTION II:  How Hawn Relates to Other People

Gemini on 7th house cusp

     Any kind of confinement - mental, physical or emotional -
is abhorrent to you. You cannot and will not be emotionally
stifled by your partners. Thus, you may often be close to more
than one person simultaneously in order to avoid feeling too

     When you make a commitment (and you may do so more than
once), your partner must be as intellectually stimulating and
curious and restless as you are. Your boredom tolerance is
noticeably low. You don't form emotional ties unless there is
mental rapport.

     Your dreams, ideals and speculations about matters which
transcend day-to-day living are so central to your existence
that any person you feel close to must be someone with whom you
can discuss these ideas since no one else seems to understand

     Your partners are bright, verbal, curious people who, on
the surface may not appear to have a great deal of emotional
depth. However, they connect with you intellectually and that
tie appears to be the channel through which you can share

Moon in 7th

     Your self-image (particularly as a young person) is so
closely tied up with your perception of the way others view you,
you can be quite chameleon-like in adapting to that perception,
allowing others to relate to their own projections and not your

     As you mature and become less self-protective emotionally,
you expose your needs and feelings with less anxiety and enjoy
close, nurturing relationships with those who encourage you to
express your feelings, not mask them. You could succeed in
public life.

Mercury, Ruler of 7th house, is in 1st:

     You don't look at the world the way everyone else does.
You have vision and a sense of the transcendent.  You
communicate that not only in an arresting speaking and writing
style but in your manner and your presence.  You are restless,
curious and expressive.  You have a marvelous facility for
dealing with people because your antennae are always out.  You
are quick to pick up on cues and act on them which serves you
well professionally as well as personally.  Even if you think of
yourself as someone with strong emotions, your core connection
with anyone you're close to must be intellectual.  You know
you've met someone significant  when the relationship starts
with long, intense conversations which last for hours.  If the
intellectual tie does not remain strong and you stay together
anyway, there will be someone else in your life - perhaps a
friend, perhaps a colleague - who becomes the confidante, the
one person to whom everything can be said - sometimes without

Saturn in 7th

     You are torn between a compulsive desire for close
permanent ties and a fear of intimacy. You may attempt to
"resolve" this by becoming involved with people who are either
emotionally unresponsive, married or have other commitments or

     Early marriages or commitments are rarely successful while
those formed in mid-life are deep and enduring. Frequently,
there is a considerable age difference between partners. For
you, relationships - personal or professional - are never casual

Jupiter Conjunct MC with an orb of less than 1/2 degree

     When you were little, your teachers liked you and when you
grew up, your employers liked you. You tend to approach all
relationships both personal and professional with an easy
assurance. It is important to you that close ties enjoy
society's approval.

Mercury Conjunct Asc. with an orb between 1/2 and 1 degree

     You are extremely verbal and communicative and have no
difficulty in making your thoughts and ideas clearly understood.
At times, however, you may become a bit glib and use your "gift
of gab" as a means of protecting yourself from emotional

Uranus Trine MC with an orb between 1 and 3 degrees

     It's never been possible for you to live according to
anyone else's timetable. For that reason, you prefer to work for
yourself and make your own rules. In order for you to sustain a
close, personal tie, you must find someone as independent as you

Sun Quincunx Moon with an orb of less than 1 degree

     Your parents' interests and emotional natures, while not in
violent conflict, were so different it was hard to understand
how they ever came together. You associate close relationships
with both longing and loneliness and may be unclear about

Mercury Quintile Neptune with an orb of less than 1 degree

     You know things intuitively as well as rationally and have
a rare capacity to perceive in others feelings, thoughts and
dreams they may never have openly shared. Anyone close to you
would have to share your love of music and interest in spiritual

Mercury Opposition Uranus with an orb between 3 and 5 degrees

     Brilliant and original as you are, you can also be
difficult and unpredictable. Close ties may complain they never
know when you are going to show up or what you're planning next.
You are easily bored and love people who can both stimulate and
surprise you.

Uranus Opposition Asc. with an orb between 3 and 5 degrees

     You are an unusual person and are often perceived as "ahead
of your time" in some way. Friendship is very important to you -
especially in your love affairs. You don't like relationships
which are overly defined or confining. You must feel free to

Sun Trine Mars with an orb between 3 and 5 degrees

     You are assertive without being overly aggressive and
usually go after what you want with confidence and enthusiasm.
You enjoy sex and your partners tend to be dynamic, successful
people. Your natural energy and moxie is usually sexually
interesting to others.

Sun Trine Saturn with an orb between 3 and 5 degrees

     You are serious, responsible, well-organized and
protective. You take care of the people to whom you are close
and see to it that their practical needs are attended to. For
you a relationship is successful when it falls into a
comfortable, pleasant routine.

Mercury Sextile Jupiter with an orb between 1 and 5 degrees

     You have a quality people trust and you are often sought
after as a confidante or an advisor. You have high moral and
ethical standards and it is imperative that anyone you're close
to is a person of the highest integrity. You prefer
well-educated people.

Mercury Sextile MC with an orb between 1 and 5 degrees

     Since you were a child in school, your intellectual and
communicative skills attracted the attention of those in
positions of authority and you were always able to make your way
by being exceptionally clever. This facility serves you well as
an adult.

Jupiter Sextile Asc. with an orb between 1 and 5 degrees

     There is a quality about you people tend to trust. They
confide in you and generally feel better in your presence which
has a kind of healing quality. Sometimes you tend to draw close
relationships who originally came to see you for some sort of
help or guidance.

Moon SemiSquare Pluto with an orb between 1 and 2 degrees

     You had an over-controlling parent and something inside of
you decided that no one else would ever have that kind of
control over you again. You tend to repress your deepest
feelings and fears and are surprised when close ties suggest
you're manipulative.

Moon Sesquiquadrate Venus with an orb between 1 and 2 degrees

     Your emotional life is turbulent. Those who love you aren't
always very nurturing and those who nurture you often don't
truly understand you. You are always involved in a close
relationship, but it rarely has the emotional intimacy you
privately long for.

Mars Conjunct Saturn with an orb between 5 and 8 degrees

     Your emotional needs were not met when you were growing up
and there was nothing you could do about it. Even today, you
tend not to express anger or pain or resentment except when you
are in an infrequent rage. This is a problem in close

Moon Opposition Mercury with an orb between 5 and 8 degrees

     You are sensitive to the point of being rather thin-skinned
and too easily hurt. You're often being emotional when you think
you're being rational and detached when you are expressing how
you feel. It's never wise to argue with you until you've calmed

Saturn Square MC with an orb between 5 and 8 degrees

     You learned at an early age to be cautious with people in a
position of authority. This reserve may also extend to personal
relationships with those you may admire or respect. Old
parenting issues inevitably infiltrate all of your close

Sun does not aspect Asc.

     People do not receive an accurate first impression of you.
Owing to shyness or lack of confidence, you have cultivated a
persona which is not expressive of the person you experience
yourself to be. This creates complications in personal

SECTION III:  The Relationship from Russell's Point of View

     Russell, the following information explains how you view
your relationship with Hawn, and explores some of the major
issues that arise.

Your Venus Square Hawn's Saturn (orb < 1 deg)

     Sometimes Hawn puts too much pressure on you which can be a
turn-off -- especially when that pressure becomes too demanding,
too jealous or, in some way, too inhibiting of your pleasure. A
natural response to withdraw only makes it worse. Hawn secretly
longs for your approval.

Your Mercury Trine Hawn's Mars (orb < 1 deg)

     You always feel stimulated by Hawn's energy which often
motivates you to do your best work. You enjoy doing many things
together and may often indulge in friendly banter and
competition. You appreciate and admire the decisive way Hawn
gets things done.

Your Mars Trine Hawn's Pluto (orb < 1 deg)

     Your connection is intensely erotic and compulsive. Hawn's
personal magnetism both intrigues you and stimulates you to be
at your productive best. Your energy may initiate major
transforming changes in Hawn whose charisma empowers you.

Your Sun Sesqu. Hawn's Venus (orb < 1 deg)

     While you may like Hawn very much, you may worry that you
don't share the same values. Your taste may be different. You
may like different types of people. Sometimes you feel insecure
in the relationship and feel less valued than you might wish.

Your Sun Sesqu. Hawn's Pluto (orb < 1 deg)

     You may feel an excessively strong need to assert yourself
as your ego feels very threatened by  Hawn's subtle power over
you. Your fascination with Hawn makes it difficult for you to
sever the tie even if you feel the relationship is wrong for

Your Mars Quincunx Hawn's Venus (orb < 1 deg)

     There is a powerful sexual energy between you which is
somewhat complicated by your different emotional styles.
Elusiveness does not exactly put you off and, at times, you come
on too strong. If yours is not a sexual relationship, you will
make war not love.

Your Asc. Conj Hawn's Moon (orb 1-5 deg)

     Hawn identifies with you in a very personal way and you
respond in a rather physical way to Hawn's emotional state.
Sometimes this can create great bonding and closeness and
sometimes it can lead to irritation. This is a very intimate and
emotional tie.

Your Mars Oppos Hawn's Neptune (orb 1-5 deg)

     No matter how long or how well you may know Hawn, there is
an elusive quality which continues to fascinate. While you are
stimulated by Hawn's idealism, you may also be frustrated by
what feels like excessive secrecy. Your aggressive curiosity
gets you nowhere.

Your Sun Square Hawn's Moon (orb 1-5 deg)

     While you may communicate very well on a rational level,
sometimes you may feel as if Hawn doesn't really understand you.
You may find Hawn's emotional responses incomprehensible as
well. You have to make a special effort to share and connect.

Your Moon Square Hawn's Jupiter (orb 1-5 deg)

     There is something about Hawn's basic philosophy or world
view which throws you somewhat off-center emotionally. You may
often find yourself caught up by Hawn's enthusiasm or going
along with things which are not truly representative of your own

Your Sun Trine Hawn's Sun (orb 1-5 deg)

     You enjoy an easy camaraderie and generally feel quite
comfortable together. People tend to perceive you as similar
types. One of the things you like about each other is your
compatibility of goals and the lack of underlying tension in
your relationship.

Your Sun Trine Hawn's Saturn (orb 1-5 deg)

     This can be a most enduring, if not exciting, relationship
with someone who stabilizes you and helps you to organize
yourself and your goals. There are strong feelings of
responsibility between you. Hawn is dependable and makes you
feel secure.

Your Mercury Trine Hawn's Sun (orb 1-5 deg)

     You trust Hawn's opinion because, however the world may
view your respective positions, you experience Hawn as a
powerful personality and as an authority you respect and admire.
Hawn directly or indirectly encourages your ideas and gives you

Your Venus Trine Hawn's Mercury (orb 1-5 deg)

     You love the way Hawn thinks and speaks. Perhaps the
initial attraction began with long talks of shared interests and
values. You also enjoy the way Hawn appreciates your values,
shares your sense of the beautiful and expresses love.

Your Venus Sextile Hawn's Moon (orb 1-5 deg)

     Whatever else this relationship may be, it's intimate. You
can enjoy being together without having anything dramatic on the
agenda. Hawn arouses your love and affection by simply being.
When you're around Hawn, you feel good about yourself.

Your Mars Sextile Hawn's Uranus (orb 1-5 deg)

     One thing's for sure: this relationship isn't dull. It may
be unpredictable and drive you crazy but Hawn definitely doesn't
bore you and can always get a reaction from you. Hawn
fascinates you and often gets you to do things you ordinarily

Your Moon Quincunx Hawn's Mercury (orb 1-5 deg)

     You often come away from discussions with Hawn feeling kind
of irritated. You've made your point and Hawn replied  but
somehow there's been no connection. The logic is there but not
the understanding. You probably shouldn't work together.

Your Moon does not aspect Hawn's Moon

     While you may like and respect each other and understand
each other intellectually, there is an emotional distance which
might prevent you from being truly at home with or comfortable
with each other. You may, at times, find each other's moods or
responses puzzling.

Your Mercury does not aspect Hawn's Mercury

     You don't think alike. Even if you are in emotional accord,
there are times you seriously question if you see the same world
since, while your perceptions are not necessarily in conflict,
they are so different. Discussions are rarely fruitful or

Your Mercury does not aspect Hawn's Venus

     There is something about Hawn's personal style and taste
and way of expressing affection which doesn't comfortably merge
with your own. It may not exactly lead to war, but it may have
delayed the initial attraction. Your philosophies aren't quite
in sync.

Your Venus does not aspect Hawn's Venus

     While you may be very fond of each other, you're quite
dissimilar in some important ways. Your tastes diverge widely
and you tend to express love very differently. You don't like
the same people and have different interests. You wish Hawn
dressed differently.

Hawn's Sun in your 6th house:

     It's very important for the success of this relationship
that you work together on a project of intense mutual interest.
Otherwise, you will find yourself feeling subordinate to Hawn
which you won't like much - unless, of course, you enjoy feeling

     If you are working together on a project of interest, you
will grant Hawn the authority role and you will play the helping
role - even if the obvious, more official roles are the reverse.
Hawn is physically dependent upon you to make sure everything is
functioning comfortably and will change personal habits to
please you.

Hawn's Moon in your 12th house:

     You connect emotionally in a way that's not easy to define.
You feel oddly drawn to Hawn but it's not necessarily admiration
or sexual attraction. Hawn awakens in you a sense of obligation
and has a knack for making you feel guilty without knowing why.

     This is someone with whom you can spend a lot of time
alone. Perhaps the relationship must be kept secret for some
reason. However, at times s/he drains you emotionally and you
find this relationship confining if not actually working against
your best interests.

Hawn's Mercury in your 6th house:

     You really rely on Hawn's judgment in your work. You would
do well to work together on projects relating to writing,
publishing or communications. Much of your conversation is
centered around work projects. You may also share an interest in
health matters.

Hawn's Venus in your 5th house:

     This is a loving and affectionate relationship. You have
similar taste in music, movies and entertainment and always have
a good time together. The pleasure you share stimulates you
erotically. If a sexual tie is not appropriate, you will share
many secrets.

     If you are, in any way, creative, the love and admiration
Hawn feels for you will motivate you to express your talent
freely. You could work well together on any artistic endeavor.
Any connection you have with children would also benefit from
this tie.

Hawn's Mars in your 2nd house:

     Hawn challenges your values and while you may have some
disagreements about what is important, this relationship
motivates you to clarify your own thinking. Hawn's energy
activates feelings of possessiveness in you which may have taken
you by surprise.

     This relationship also has a strong effect upon your
financial affairs. Hawn may be energetically involved in a
project which will greatly increase your own earnings. Even if
material concerns are not ordinarily a high priority, money
matters will increase in importance.

Hawn's Jupiter in your 5th house:

     You enjoy being together so much that sometimes it's hard
to get any work done. The two of you may also go overboard on
pleasure activities at the expense of other responsibilities and
find you are spending more money and time than you had earlier

     Be that as it may, you share many happy times together and
this is a very loving relationship. Hawn may encourage an
artistic or cultural pursuit of yours and generally appears to
admire your creativity. If you have children, they would love
Hawn and Hawn would love them.

Hawn's Saturn in your 2nd house:

     You may know and feel close to Hawn for quite a long time
before you realize how different your values are. This
undoubtedly will come as a disappointment to you. It might be an
important test of both the value and the viability of the

     Now let's talk money. Hawn will cost you. This is not
necessarily a bad thing. The financial responsibility this
relationship may represent may be a small price to pay for an
association so valuable to you. It will force you to reassess
your priorities.

Hawn's Uranus in your 12th house:

     Why do you feel so rattled in Hawn presence? Whatever
issues you successfully manage to repress and not deal with seem
to come bubbling up to the surface when you are together.
Actually, this can be a good thing. Unfortunately, it doesn't
always feel that way.

     It may be that the nervous excitement Hawn generates within
you stirs up aspects of your inner self with which you are not
entirely comfortable. You may behave in a way you don't like and
then blame Hawn. Calm down and trust your natural responses.

Hawn's Neptune in your 4th house:

     You could live very comfortably with Hawn because you have
similar ideas of the ideal, happy home. You also tend to like
the same music and can, very happily, enjoy quiet times in which
you enjoy being together even when doing different things.

     Close as you may be, however, there is an elusive quality
about Hawn which remains mysterious to you. You may often sense
what is being thought or felt but it surely isn't being
discussed. Sometimes you may wonder about out-and-out

Hawn's Pluto in your 3rd house:

     Sometimes when you are getting ready to change your
environment, someone comes into your life who so shakes up your
thinking and reflects your altered perspective, that remaining
in the old situation becomes truly impossible. Hawn has this
effect upon you.

     You would work wonderfully together on any project
involving either depth analysis or research. You both enjoy
digging below the surface - frequently in each other's lives -
and any type of cooperative probing would enhance this
friendship and draw you closer.

SECTION IV:  The Relationship from Hawn's Point of View

     Hawn, the following information explains how you view your
relationship with Russell, and explores some of the major issues
that arise.

Your MC Conj Russell's Neptune (orb < 1 deg)

      Your shared spiritual views and interests powerfully
affect your life style and your personal career directions. This
idealism is important to both of you and you are ready to make
material sacrifices for it. Russell idealizes you and you admire

Your Moon Square Russell's Saturn (orb < 1 deg)

     No matter how close you, you're never entirely comfortable
emotionally when you are together. Russell subtly affects your
self-confidence and you may have a disquieting sense that no
matter how hard you try to please you never entirely succeed.

Your Mercury Square Russell's Jupiter (orb < 1 deg)

     The two of you talk easily. Russell enables you both to
expand your ideas and to express them. If anything, Russell
tends to trigger so much enthusiasm in you, sometimes you say
more than you should. You trust Russell's intelligence and

Your Mars Trine Russell's Mercury (orb < 1 deg)

     Initially, you were intrigued by Russell's  ideas and
intelligence and loved having long discussions. Ideas are still
a vital center of your relationship but sometimes it seems to
you Russell over-intellectualizes and it irritates you.

Your Sun Sextile Russell's Saturn (orb < 1 deg)

     This can be a most enduring, if not exciting, relationship
with someone who stabilizes you and helps you to organize
yourself and your goals. There are strong feelings of
responsibility between you. Russell is dependable and makes you
feel secure.

Your MC Sextile Russell's Pluto (orb < 1 deg)

     Since you met, your life direction has been totally
transformed. This relationship has a strange influence over you,
particularly on a professional level. Russell connects strongly
to your public image and projects a power onto you which can be

Your Moon Conj Russell's Asc. (orb 1-5 deg)

     From the first time you saw Russell you intuitively sensed
an emotional tie and were attracted. You are very comfortable
together. You enjoy special feelings of closeness and
camaraderie. Russell may outwardly manifest the feelings you may
hold within.

Your Moon Square Russell's Mercury (orb 1-5 deg)

     You often come away from discussions with Russell feeling
kind of irritated. You've made your point and Russell replied
but somehow there's been no connection. The logic is there but
not the understanding. You probably shouldn't work together.

Your Asc. Square Russell's Jupiter (orb 1-5 deg)

     Russell makes you feel wonderful when you are alone
together. Yours is, at the very least, a lovely friendship. This
would also be a good working relationship. You are helpful to
Russell. Sometimes one of you encourages the other to take
irresponsible chances.

Your MC Square Russell's Moon (orb 1-5 deg)

     Russell always had an intuitive sense of your deepest
yearnings, ambitions and goals and that strong emotional support
has done much to point you in your life direction. Russell is
very proud of your successes but hopes they won't overshadow the
more intimate aspects of the relationship.

Your Sun Trine Russell's Sun (orb 1-5 deg)

     You enjoy an easy camaraderie and generally feel quite
comfortable together. People tend to perceive you as similar
types. One of the things you like about each other is your
compatibility of goals and the lack of underlying tension in
your relationship.

Your Sun Trine Russell's Mercury (orb 1-5 deg)

     There is something about the way Russell thinks and
communicates which enables you to be yourself. Sometimes it may
seem as if Russell is able to verbalize aspects of yourself you
may have sensed but have never been able to adequately put into
words or ideas.

Your Mercury Trine Russell's Venus (orb 1-5 deg)

     You are especially responsive to the way Russell loves and
expresses affection. You also share many of the same values and
tastes. You love and have an aesthetic appreciation of Russell's
looks, personal style and creativity. You genuinely like each

Your Mercury Trine Russell's Pluto (orb 1-5 deg)

     Russell respects your intelligence and may be more
influenced by your thinking than you realize. You, in turn,
admire Russell's magnetism and authority and find it motivates
you to develop and analyze ideas which  might not otherwise have

Your Asc. Trine Russell's Pluto (orb 1-5 deg)

     This is a compulsive tie. A relationship like this will
either be very intense and very binding or will simply not
exist. Russell projects powerful images onto you which,
unconsciously, Russell may fear and need to control. This can
lead to subtle power struggles.

Your Moon Sextile Russell's Venus (orb 1-5 deg)

     Yours is a warm, loving, affectionate relationship. You
enjoy being together not only because you like each other so
much but because you feel so loved and valued in Russell's
presence. You feel as though the parts of yourself you secretly
like best are seen.

Your Mercury Sextile Russell's Neptune (orb 1-5 deg)

     There are times you understand what Russell isn't saying
better than what is actually being said. You intuitively tune
into each other -- even when you're not actually together.
Russell understands your views and admires the way you express
them. You share dreams and ideals.

Your Mars Sextile Russell's Saturn (orb 1-5 deg)

     You really do work well together. There's something about
Russell's influence which helps you to organize and harness your
energy so that you can achieve your goals. You, in turn,
stimulate Russell to dare and not be over cautious. You're a
good team.

Your Asc. Sextile Russell's Neptune (orb 1-5 deg)

     Russell has a special vision of you which corresponds to a
secret inner sense you have of yourself. The experience of
seeing your most private self both mirrored and idealized in an
admired person's eyes can be strangely exhilarating, unique and

Your Sun SemiSqr Russell's Neptune (orb 1-5 deg)

     There is a strong element of fantasy and idealization in
this relationship and it is important to make sure that the
person you think is so wonderful is really the person before
you. Clarity is not the key word here. There is a lovely sense
of Shangri-la.

Your Sun Sesqu. Russell's Moon (orb 1-5 deg)

     While you may communicate very well on a rational level,
sometimes you may feel as if Russell doesn't really understand
you. You may find Russell's emotional responses incomprehensible
as well. You have to make a special effort to share and

Your Sun Sesqu. Russell's Mars (orb 1-5 deg)

     Russell arouses in you either love or hate - nothing
lukewarm here. There is a strong underlying sexual energy and if
circumstances make this inappropriate, it may manifest in
competitiveness or quarreling. Here is someone who really
challenges you.

Your Sun Quincunx Russell's Venus (orb 1-5 deg)

     While you may like Russell very much, you may worry that
you don't share the same values. Your taste may be different.
You may like different types of people. Sometimes you feel
insecure in the relationship and feel less valued than you might

Your Moon does not aspect Russell's Moon

     While you may like and respect each other and understand
each other intellectually, there is an emotional distance which
might prevent you from being truly at home with or comfortable
with each other. You may, at times, find each other's moods or
responses puzzling.

Your Mercury does not aspect Russell's Mercury

     You don't think alike. Even if you are in emotional accord,
there are times you seriously question if you see the same world
since, while your perceptions are not necessarily in conflict,
they are so different. Discussions are rarely fruitful or

Your Venus does not aspect Russell's Venus

     While you may be very fond of each other, you're quite
dissimilar in some important ways. Your tastes diverge widely
and you tend to express love very differently. You don't like
the same people and have different interests. You wish Russell
dressed differently.

Russell's Sun in your 3rd house:

     Initially, your attraction to Russell was intellectual.
Possibly you met at a lecture or in an educational setting where
the emphasis was on the sharing of ideas. Your relationship has
always been marked by long talks. You might also travel well

     Shared communications are important to both of you.
Together you might be involved in a writing or teaching project.
Your contacts will be on a regular, daily basis. However,
separations eased by frequent letters and phone calls tend to be
especially bonding.

Russell's Moon in your 7th house:

     There is something about Russell's sensitivity and style of
emotional expression which makes you feel extremely comfortable.
Russell intuitively understands the side of you don't easily
express and makes you feel nurtured and whole.

     You are natural partners. When you work together, your
emotional compatibility lends depth and added interest to your
endeavors. Personal relationships are marked by a rare emotional
intimacy. However, when you fight Russell knows where you're
most vulnerable.

Russell's Mercury in your 3rd house:

     The two of you really connect intellectually. Russell's
ideas are so stimulating to your own thinking processes that you
may be motivated to develop them further through writing,
lecturing or teaching. Your relationship centers on intense
mutual interests.

     It is very likely that you met at a lecture, in an
educational setting or through a writing project you were both
involved in. No doubt the strong common interests you share
extend into your professional lives. You spend a great deal of
time together.

Russell's Venus in your 4th house:

     During the early stages of your relationship, you enjoyed
having Russell in your home and Russell enjoyed being there.
Even if yours is a working relationship, it benefits from a more
personal association. You're happy with each other and could
live together.

     The special intimacy which marks your relationship brings
back the best and warmest aspects of your home life when you
were a child. Russell seems to be drawn to a quality you may not
reveal to many people and even helps you to develop this hidden

Russell's Mars in your 3rd house:

     Something about Russell's  style of expression really makes
you sit up straight. Whether it's something that is said or even
something in writing, the point is made with a directness at
times so startling you're not always sure how to respond.

     Occasionally, Russell can be disruptive of your normal
routine. These changes can be productive, although at first you
might feel irritated by them. There might not always be harmony
with the people in your daily world which can create tension.
Does Russell like to quarrel?

Russell's Jupiter in your 3rd house:

     No matter how shy or taciturn you may be in other
situations, you always have plenty to say to each other. You
enjoy your discussions not only because you express yourself so
easily and well with Russell but because you respect and value
the benefit of such good judgment.

     You probably have a strong shared interest and may be
involved together in an educational or communications project
relating to the study of this subject. Russell would encourage
any speaking or writing you may do. This relationship somehow
makes your environment easier.

Russell's Saturn in your 9th house:

     This person isn't going to let you get away with anything,
that's for sure. Russell has very high standards and the success
of this relationship will depend, in part, on the way you both
maintain them. Russell may hold stricter or more traditional
moral views.

     Your relationship may place certain restrictions upon you
with regard to travel. Matters relating to education,
philosophy, publications or spiritual matters will be a serious
concern of both of you and may require some sacrifice or hard

Russell's Uranus in your 7th house:

     You were struck by Russell's uniqueness and individuality
from the beginning - primarily because it connected with an
unconventional bent of yours that you might have been tentative
about expressing. Your shared interests were bonding. You
connected quickly.

     There was always something unusual about this relationship.
Russell is  very different from the sort of person you have been
close to previously and this has affected your relationships
with others. You may have ended old ties when starting this

Russell's Neptune in your 9th house:

     The wonderful part of your relationship with Russell is the
shared spiritual values which you seem to inspire in each other.
There is such a strong sense of communicating without speaking
that sometimes you connect through dreams and shared visions.

     Traveling together may not work out too well - particularly
if it is necessary for you to arrive at a particular destination
at a particular time. Somehow, nothing will appear to go as
planned. You would always be getting lost. Of course, that might
be fun.

Russell's Pluto in your 8th house:

     There is a very powerful sexual energy between you. If this
is not a sexual relationship, it will manifest as a subtle but
intense power struggle. Either way, Russell will have a quietly
transforming effect upon your life. You may be disconcerted to
find that you can be manipulated.

     This can also be an important business relationship.
Russell's personal or material resources can have a transforming
effect upon your finances particularly if the project involves
research, psychology or any field which deals with digging below
the surface.
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