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                 Vocational Guidance Report for

                          Oprah Winfrey
                        January 29, 1954
                            12:00 PM
                      Jackson, Mississippi


                      Veraxs Int'l Inc.
                     3355 Bee Cave Road #606
                      Austin, TX 78746 USA
                       Phone: 512-826-5401
                    ***** Introduction *****

    This report is designed to serve as a guide in finding your
true vocation. At the same time an analysis of your personal
characteristics, strengths or inhibitions, unused potential,
karma, creativity, ability to earn money, work in relation to
your employment etc., is given. At the end you will find a
synthesis of the foregoing that will help you to summarize and
clarify your mission in this life. Throughout this report
numerous indications of possible vocations or professions
related to your astrological influences are outlined. It is
suggested that you reflect on this information within yourself
so that in the end your own intuition can lead you to the best

             ***** Astrological Data of Birth *****

The birth chart is a map of the positions of the planets at the
time and place of birth. For the benefit of students of astrology,
these positions and other technical information is listed below:

Sun        9 Aqu 19              Neptune   26 Lib 04
Moon       8 Sag 26              Pluto     24 Leo 09
Mercury   19 Aqu 42              Asc.      22 Tau 52
Venus      9 Aqu 15              MC         5 Aqu 53
Mars      23 Sco 45              2nd cusp  19 Gem 34
Jupiter   16 Gem 39              3rd cusp  12 Can 21
Saturn     9 Sco 03              5th cusp   4 Vir 15
Uranus    20 Can 18              6th cusp  10 Lib 59

Tropical  Placidus   Standard Time observed
GMT: 18:00:00   Time Zone: 6 hours West
Lat. and Long. of birth place: 32 N 17 55 90 W 11 05

Aspects and orbs:
Conjunction  : 7 Deg 00 Min
Opposition   : 5 Deg 00 Min
Square       : 5 Deg 00 Min
Trine        : 5 Deg 00 Min
Sextile      : 5 Deg 00 Min
                      ***** Chapter 1 *****
              Your individuality. Your personality.
              Your emotional needs. Your mentality.

    To find the ideal profession, you have to know yourself
first. There are activities you are suited for according to your
nature, and others you are not. Your ideal occupation should
favor the expression of your individuality (Sun) and your
personality (Rising Sign), satisfy your emotional needs (Moon)
and permit the development of your intellect (Mercury).

     YOUR INDIVIDUALITY: Sun in Aquarius

    You were born under the sign of AQUARIUS and your ruling
planet is Uranus, which makes you rebellious, independent and

    Your Sun sign is FIXED and this impels you to fulfill an
organizing function, either in thought or action. Your attitude
is firm, persistent, stable and decisive. You have the ability
to concentrate profoundly on your projects and to stay firm in
your purposes. In spite of this, you will have to cultivate a
certain flexibility to avoid obstinacy and selfishness.

    Aquarius is an AIR sign and this makes you curious, sociable
and mentally very active. All occupations that stimulate your
intellect and the possibility of communicating will be very
favorable. You need variety, harmony and the exchange of ideas.

    You like to be free and do not adhere to routine or the
limitations of daily life. Because of this, your manner is
personal, informal and sometimes a bit too accelerated. You are
very curious and attracted to everything that is special,
different or mysterious. You enjoy travel, adventure and the
possibility of meeting new people and places. You can
communicate easily and make friends everywhere you go. Your
independent attitude permits you to relate to everybody and not
to commit yourself to anybody. You learn everything that
interests you very quickly, but also get bored quickly when a
subject is slow or tedious.

    Your life will be filled with changes and surprises, some
will be planned and others totally unexpected. You are very
creative and always put your personal touch on everything you
do. You have the ability to invent, transform and change your
environment. Your demeanor and the course of your life will
always be unpredictable.

    You were born to change the world around you, to provide new
ideas, styles and conventions. Your way of thinking or acting
probably will be criticized, but it will teach others to widen
their horizon and mentality. You were born to break the rules,
procedures and duties, especially when they become outmoded or
obsolete. Your humanitarian, altruistic and futuristic vision
will permit you to think about the function of groups and to
render your help to them. Another of your missions is to create,
to invent, to innovate and to develop your creativity and

    To evolve, your spirit needs to learn to develop patience
with the things you cannot change or with people who are unable
to keep up with your pace. You have to control your
eccentricity, rebelliousness and wrong ideas so that you don't
waste your energy protesting things that you do not accept. You
could easily fall into immature and erratic attitudes, or
quickly change your feelings and interests, and act with
indifference and coldness toward others.

     YOUR PERSONALITY: Ascendant Taurus

    Others see you as a quiet, agreeable, sweet and attractive
person. You tend to move slowly and at your own pace. You don't
like difficulties or tense and uncomfortable situations, but
seek to surround yourself with people and situations that offer
stability and harmony.

    You are very persevering in your objectives and have a
realistic vision of the material world. You want to achieve a
good standard of living and are inclined to spend your money on
comfort or luxuries. You are industrious, constant and loyal;
your artistic ability, good taste and aesthetic sense will be
exhibited in your work. You feel best in open places where you
can be directly in touch with nature.

    The profession you choose will have to encourage your desire
to find harmony, economic stability, and possibilities for
artistic or creative expression; you will have to avoid working
under pressure or difficulty.

     YOUR EMOTIONAL NEEDS: Moon in Sagittarius

    Your emotions are fiery, intense and changing. You can't
tolerate boring, very passive or monotonous activities, but love
conquest. Throughout your life you will be drawn to more than
one situation or difficult or impossible goals to accomplish.
You despair when you are unable to get what you hope for,
however, when you obtain it, you may tire of it or lose

    You are very curious and strongly attracted to novel
situations, conquest or adventure. You are a bit immature and
naive and generously share everything you have. You express your
ideas freely and often neglect others sensibility, which may
cause you to say things at the wrong place or to the wrong
people. Your anecdotes in this regard will be frequent. You like
to meet people of different culture and ethnic origin. You love
to travel, especially to strange and remote places. You feel the
need to expand your horizons and dream of an accomplished
future. On the negative side, you tend to procrastinate or have
a lack of commitment.

    Subconsciously, you have a strong desire to expand and to
exceed your current limits. In previous lives you may have done
a lot of traveling to distant lands in order to study, preach or
teach philosophy, law or religion. Because of this, you are not
used to staying in one relationship or in a particular place.
You long to be with people you may have known sometime ago far
away from your home. It is easy for you to learn languages and
you are not afraid of the unknown. You may have suffered certain
injustices or may have been a witness to the same. Therefore,
today you have a strong feeling for the law and are protective
of people in inferior situations. In this incarnation you have
the need to share all your knowledge and wisdom, and seek to
overcome the feeling of loneliness or isolation that you have
suffered in the past.

    The profession you choose will have to satisfy your
emotional need to know, to learn, to teach, to expand your
consciousness and your mental as well as your material limits.
You need to express your enthusiasm, joy of living and
confidence in yourself. You have to avoid dogmatism,
exaggeration or self-indulgence.

     YOUR MENTALITY: Mercury in Aquarius

    You have a discriminating, original, creative and
progressive mind with great capacity. You cling stubbornly to
your own ideas and will not respond to impositions or orders
from others. You are very curious, intuitive and a good
observer. Your sharp mind is objective and clear in your
opinions and you will rarely be dominated by your emotions when
speaking. You are very intelligent, which allows you to learn
any subject quite rapidly, provided that you are interested and
do not get bored with it.

    Your way of communicating is open, spontaneous and without
restraint or prejudice. You love to talk with everybody,
especially those who attract your attention or curiosity.
Although you seem to be flexible, you won't change your mind and
are not easily influenced. You are not likely to worry about
formalities, traditions or social acceptance. Your ideas are
tuned into the Age of Aquarius: future-oriented and
freedom-loving. Your family, friends or superiors may not
understand you or think you are an eccentric; the reality is
that you live far beyond the present.

                      ***** Chapter 2 *****
  Your abilities and your emotions, inhibitions and strengths.
              Hidden talents or challenges, Karma.

    The location of the planets in the houses and the
relationship between them can increase or decrease their power.
Aspects of the Sun are related to our strength and those of the
Moon affect the emotional world and are expressed on a
subconscious level.

     Aspects that affect your INDIVIDUALITY:

     Sun in 10th house:

    You have great ability to lead others and to excel in the
professional area. You are inclined to put a lot of energy into
that and it will insure a brilliant career. You will always be
in the eyes of the public and are likely to become a socially
renowned figure. If your activity is related to the law or to
other executive positions, your future success could be

    You are very proud, a bit arrogant and have strong material
ambitions. You don't conceive your accomplishments in life,
unless you have reached a higher position. You will try to
exceed your initial social position by reaching greater status
and recognition. You will be very satisfied with your
achievements. A competitive spirit, you adopt a secure and
controlled foothold in your life in general.

     Sun Conjunct Venus:

    You have great ability to work with your hands or other
artistic endeavors. Your creative and aesthetic sense needs to
find expression and a channeling process; it is necessary for
you to use these abilities because it could help you to beautify
your environment. You appreciate the finer things in life and
like beautiful things and luxury.

     Sun Square Saturn:

    You may see life as a challenge and that everything you want
to obtain implies a sacrifice of some type. Sometimes your
attitude could be overly exaggerated and realistic, leading
towards pessimism. You have to learn to be more positive and to
change your mental programming of "everything is too difficult".
Being positive is more effective and allows you to accomplish
your goals with greater ease.

    You are likely to have many karmic tests during your life
that could bring frustrations or delays with your plans. You
will have to keep your mind calm to be able to understand the
lesson you have to learn each time. Basically, you will have to
overcome the fear of assuming responsibilities, relying more on
yourself and to avoid being overshadowed by your father or

     Sun Sextile Moon:

    There is a harmonious balance between your ego and your
emotions. Your inner balance allows you to act calmly and
moderately, and you are likely to attain the things you want
without many problems. You are firm and sound in your decisions
and are well suited for a profession that is related to the

     Aspects that affect your EMOTIONS:

     Moon in 7th house:

    You are responsive to the needs of others and could acquire
prestige and reputation in working with the public. You have
charisma and the ability to stand out among others. Commercial
as well as matrimonial associations are likely to be successful
for you.

     Moon Sextile Venus:

    You are likely to have many friendships and will be very
popular with others. You can easily relate to others and show
great sensitivity in your dealings, which lets you get along
well with everyone and allows you to make friends easily. You
also have good taste and are very interested in artistic

     HIDDEN TALENTS: Aries on 12th house cusp

    You have to learn to rely on your own initiatives as well as
your aggressiveness. You tend to repress many of your ideas or
projects when you don't find the approval you expect from
others. You tend to think negatively about your aggressive side
and because of this, are likely to repress it. It would be wise
to seek a creative outlet through some physical or dynamic
activity, otherwise the energy accumulated within you could make
you sick later on.

    This influence may lead you to some type of secret activity,
to face violent enemies or to become exposed to dangerous

                      ***** Chapter 3 *****
          Expansion (Jupiter) and retraction (Saturn).
                     To give and to receive.

     EXPANSION: Jupiter in Gemini

    Your sense of expansion manifests through your intellectual
capacity. You are very intelligent and noted for your mental
powers. You have a need to study, to read, to inform yourself
and to exchange opinions and ideas with others. Knowing more
about the topics you are involved with makes you feel more
confident and powerful; your growth in life is based on that. On
the other hand, you have to learn to combine your great ability
to reason with your feelings, because under this astrological
influence the mind is more developed at the expense of the

     Jupiter in 1st house:

    You have a happy, amiable and optimistic disposition. Your
great sense of humor and tremendous vital force will insure
social success. You enjoy life, are very generous and always
willing to help others. You have a tendency to make everything
big, excessive and over-emotional. Even your own physical body
tends to be large. You love to travel and have a great desire to
discover every part of the world. This could lead you to do a
lot of traveling and also to change your residence several
times. Expansion of your life does not depend on external
factors, but on the utilization of your personal talents.

    Your major problems will be a tendency to excesses; you
could also be quite chaotic and undisciplined. Your happy and
careless attitude could cause problems with restrictions and
duties of the world. You tend to be a bit lazy and like to be
waited on. Regardless, the faults that this influence may bring
are very well hidden, because on the surface you show a happy
face and a very positive attitude toward life. This explains
your great luck in nearly all aspects of life.

     Jupiter Trine Mercury:

    You have ability to organize and plan enterprises. Travel
and any activity that helps to expand your mind is very
rewarding for you. Communicating and learning foreign languages
is easy for you.

     RETRACTION: Saturn in Scorpio

    The inhibition principle affects your libido and the
expression of your strength. You have tremendous willpower,
energy and intensity to face life. You have a magnetic
personality, and you demand much of yourself and others, though
your approach will be subtle, persistent and determined. You
make an effort to contain or repress your energies; you don't
easily show the intensity of your feelings and give the
impression of being in control, but this is not good. You will
have to learn to release your inner pressures without fear and
to freely show your preferences. You probably are not sure of
exhibiting your emotions.
      Saturn in 6th house:

    You are efficient, careful and reliable and tend to worry
about your job. You take everything seriously and sometimes feel
that you are indispensable and push yourself at the cost of your
health. Because of your great sense of responsibility, you don't
enjoy life as much as others do. You are very demanding, and it
isn't easy for you to find work that complies with all of your
expectations. Disagreements with your bosses or co-workers are
likely. Your principal frustration will be that of not finding
work that makes you completely happy. You can't imagine working
and enjoying yourself at the same time, and always will have
complaints about people or the job you perform. Regardless, in
some companies you may be given great recognition of your
ability and occupational response.

     Saturn Square Sun:

    You could experience delays, complications or frustrations
with your plans. You will have to increase your self-esteem and
confidence in your own ability. This astrological aspect could
bring people into your life who will inhibit you or discourage
you in your objectives; these people may be your boss, a friend,
relative or your own mate. A frustration-mechanism may be rooted
in your subconscious mind that easily lets you assume the victim
position (this applies especially to men), and throughout your
life you have learned to gain the attention of others through
your problems. You have to abandon this mechanism and affirm the
thoughts that from now on you accept all the success you
deserve, and that all you need comes easily into your life.

     Saturn Square Venus:

    You tend to feel unloved, rejected or indifference on the
part of one of your parents (probably your father). This makes
you shy and unable to demonstrate your emotions freely, and
minimizes your ability to progress in life. Chronically
discontented, you often sacrifice happiness for duty. You tend
to be on the defensive and fear rejection and lack of
acceptance. If you don't overcome your inner complex, this
aspect could bring sentimental as well as economical failures
and loneliness. To solve this problem, you have to evaluate each
one of your talents, increase your own love, and rely on each of
your goals without waiting for approval from others.

    Success in life depends to a great extent on the balance
between giving and receiving, expanding and retracting. Even
dwelling on the one and only failure you may have had is like
not attempting anything.

                      ***** Chapter 4 *****
                   Finances, source of income.
              Work in relation to your employment.

    Described below are some possible sources of income. They
may coincide, or not relate at all to your professional

     FINANCES: Gemini on 2nd house cusp

    You may hold two jobs at once and could make money through
purchasing or sales, short distance traveling, or by some means
of communication. Throughout your life you may change jobs
several times because you are unable to find the harmonious
climate you seek or because you become bored with what you are
doing. The versatility in your material world will bring the
possibility of numerous sources of revenue, if you know how to
handle them properly; otherwise you may experience countless
fluctuations and more than once resort to financial help from
brothers and sisters or other close relatives.

    In any case, the utilization of your intelligence,
communication, wit and original ideas will be the key to make

     Ruler of 2nd house in 10th house:

    Your income is related to the career or profession that you
choose. Thanks to your daily effort, you will be able to
establish a sense of achievement. This position enables you to
earn money in some government capacity or politics, or to
acquire a profession of great social status.

    Earning money is in direct relationship to our self-esteem.
If we consider ourselves valuable, money flows and comes into
our lives. Work done with love and pleasure doesn't weigh us
down and offers a better profit.

     WORK IN RELATION TO YOUR EMPLOYMENT: Libra on 6th house cusp

    Your work in relationship to your employment will be
expressed by your sociableness and sense of aesthetics. Your
presence will help to solve problems with calmness and harmony.
If there are no other challenging astrological aspects, you will
be in demand by your co-workers and receive many favors thanks
to your sociableness. If your work brings you in touch with the
public, you will be able to show your ease in relating and
communicating and will find great pleasure in your work. In
commercial enterprises you will be the one who serves,
accompanies or solves, but not the one that leads.

     Saturn in 6th house:

    You are very responsible and confident in your work. Your
superiors as well as your co-workers will completely rely on
you. You have ability to organize, direct others and you comply
with the tasks that are entrusted to you. In spite of being very
efficient, you never seem to be completely happy with the
position you occupy, because you have an inner feeling that you
could accomplish more. You may become frustrated waiting for
recognition. You have to increase the confidence in yourself and
demand the remuneration you deserve according to the
responsibilities you assume.

     Neptune in 6th house:

    You are very sensitive and your strong intuition allows you
to understand other's needs and also to easily comprehend your
tasks. You tend to idealize your co-workers or superiors and may
be disillusioned by them. This placement could bring times of
confusion and you may end up working in a job you are not suited
for. Try to be coherent and evaluate your aptitudes, because
that is the only way others will evaluate you.

                      ***** Chapter 5 *****
          Your creativity and recreational activities.
                    Other skills and hobbies.

    Hobbies are also part of our personality and through them,
we express to a great extent our creative ability. It is
important to enjoy our leisure activities and to complement them
with our work or profession to reach greater balance. In our
culture, we tend to place importance only on that which brings
us money, thereby neglecting the expression of important parts
of our personality.

     YOUR CREATIVITY: Virgo on 5th house cusp

    Your favorite recreational activities will be those that
stimulate your intellect. You like to read, study, learn and
teach. You also enjoy leisure activities that have to do with
earth, such as gardening, agriculture and mountain-climbing etc.
or with the breeding of domestic animals, especially with
training them. You are likely to prefer a peaceful sport rather
than a competitive one. Your creativity is stimulated by the
contact of nature and living beings. You are at peace with
yourself when you are in open space. You are also handy with
practical activities such as repairing appliances in your

                      ***** Chapter 6 *****
      Your vocation, profession, probability of success and
                       social recognition.

     Aquarius MC

    Your destiny is linked to the New Age of Aquarius. Your
thoughts and ideas are very unusual and will help to change the
world. Regardless of what profession you choose, your style will
be very original and your ideas may be criticized for being
non-traditional. You are interested in future-oriented
inventions: space voyages, electronics, communication systems,
etc. Your creativity allows you to excel in any artistic career
you choose. If you have a tendency to write, it would probably
be science fiction. You will travel a lot and feel fulfilled in
places far away from your birthplace. Your powerful intuition
will guide you to the success you are looking for. You can't
tolerate working for others; you are extremely independent and
will not submit to a time-table or a routine. If your job
becomes restrictive, you will find another.

    Your career choice could be one of the following
professions: electronics, space engineer, aviation, computers,
artist, writer, musician, singer, composer, astrologer,
metaphysician, inventor, social attender, or any other creative
profession which does not bear a specific label.

     Sun in 10th house:

    You have ability to lead others and to excel in the
professional area. You are inclined to put a lot of energy into
that and it will insure a brilliant career. You will always be
in the eyes of the public and are likely to become a socially
renowned figure. If your activity is related to politics, other
executive positions or teaching, your future success could be

    You are very proud, a bit arrogant and have strong material
ambitions. You don't conceive your accomplishment in life,
unless you have reached a higher position. You will try to
exceed your initial social position by reaching greater status
and recognition. You will be very satisfied with your
achievements. A competitive spirit, you adopt a secure and
controlled foothold in your life in general.

     Mercury in 10th house:

    You are likely to change jobs many times in your life and
probably will have more than one job at a time. Your career is
very important to you, and you are attracted to politics,
intellectual occupations, literary or commercial fields or any
activity that puts you in touch with the public. You are very
good at communicating your own ideas and could excel as a
speaker. Your always sharp and active mind enables you to
organize and handle people. In order to achieve your goals, you
could become overambitious or even selfish. You can excel in any
profession you choose because of your intelligence and wealth of

     Venus in 10th house:

    You are likely to have many ambitions and enjoy social
success. Throughout your life you will have many friends and
receive help from them. You were born with a deep sense of
diplomacy as well as aesthetic taste, and because of this, you
could do well in artistic or social fields. You are successful
in dealing with the public. This astrological influence
indicated enjoyment of your profession and your life in

     Ruler of 10th house in 3rd house:

    Your professional success is related to some form of
self-expression. You feel a need to communicate and to express
your own ideas through the profession you choose. Your career
may necessitate a lot of traveling or you may publish notes or

                      ***** Chapter 7 *****
                  Summary. Your unique talents.

    Each of us is born with a unique talent, and our function in
life is to express it. Following are descriptions of the
principal astrological influences that form your unique
abilities. Although some probable professions are listed, your
true vocation is a combination of all these elements. After
reading these paragraphs, reflect on them and let your intuition
help you to find your own synthesis.

     YOUR INDIVIDUALITY: Sun in Aquarius

    You were born to change the world around you, to provide new
ideas, styles and conventions. You were born to break the rules,
procedures and duties, especially when they become outmoded or
obsolete. Your humanitarian, altruistic and futuristic vision
will permit you to think about the function of groups and to
render your help to them. Another one of your missions is to
create, to invent, to innovate and to develop your creativity
and imagination.

    Professions ruled by Aquarius: inventor, writer, politician,
investigator, scientist, computer programmer, aviator,
astronaut, announcer, artist, journalist, sales representative,
astronomer, astrologer, musician, composer, electrician,
metaphysician, and all atypical or novel occupations and those
related to social or political organizations.

     YOUR PERSONALITY: Ascendant Taurus

    The profession you choose will have to encourage your desire
to find harmony, financial stability, and possibilities for
artistic or creative expression; you will have to avoid working
under pressure or difficulty.

     YOUR EMOTIONAL NEEDS: Moon in Sagittarius

    Your job will have to satisfy your emotional need to know,
to learn, to teach, to expand your consciousness and your mental
as well as material limits. You need to express your enthusiasm,
joy of living and confidence in yourself.

     YOUR VOCATION: Aquarius MC

    Your career choice could be one of the following
professions: electronics, space engineer, aviation, computers,
artist, writer, musician, singer, composer, astrologer,
metaphysician, inventor, social attender etc., or any other
creative profession which does not bear a specific label. You
could be successful in any activity that allows you to apply
your creativity.
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