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Alternate Life Style
Flower Essence Gem Back
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Flower Essence And Gem Stone Report for

                          Ryder Winona
                        October 29, 1971
                            11:00 AM
                     Rochester, Minnesota  

 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

        This report is based on the positions of the planets at
the time of your birth. For the benefit of students of
astrology, these positions, along with other technical
information, are listed below:

Sun        5 Sco 34              Pluto      0 Lib 51
Moon       6 Pis 33              N. Node    9 Aqu 59
Mercury   18 Sco 42              Asc.      12 Sag 54
Venus     22 Sco 05              MC         5 Lib 18
Mars      26 Aqu 01              2nd cusp  17 Cap 51
Jupiter    8 Sag 20              3rd cusp  28 Aqu 48
Saturn     5 Gem 07              5th cusp   2 Tau 57
Uranus    15 Lib 19              6th cusp  24 Tau 22
Neptune    1 Sag 49

Tropical  Placidus   Daylight Savings Time observed
GMT: 16:00:00   Time Zone: 6 hours West
Lat. and Long. of birth: 44 N 01    92 W 28   

Aspects and orbs:
Conjunction  :  4 Deg 00 Min     Trine   :  4 Deg 00 Min
Opposition   :  4 Deg 00 Min     Sextile :  2 Deg 00 Min
Square       :  4 Deg 00 Min     Quincunx:  3 Deg 00 Min
Conjunct Asc :  6 Deg 00 Min

Note:  Most trine and sextile aspects are not interpreted
       because they do not present strong challenges and
       problems with one's well-being.

 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

                        Veraxs Int'l Inc.
                     3355 Bee Cave Road #606
                      Austin, TX 78746 USA
                       Phone: 512-826-5401
        This report is designed for those who are interested in
tools which can support their own efforts toward growth and
well-being on all levels. Using astrology, flower essences,
gemstones and gem elixirs, color, music, aroma therapy,
visualization, and other methods, one can transform difficult
patterns in one's life and manifest more of one's positive

        Our emphasis is not so much on eliminating undesirable
traits or experiences as on bringing one into balance so that
the positive expression of one's astrological signature can
manifest. A person who is essentially inward and shy and who has
trouble making his way in the world will not become a dynamic,
flamboyant world-conqueror, but he can build confidence in
reaching out to others. Rather than attempt to get rid of his
shyness, the focus would be on discovering the positive gifts
his gentleness may offer him and alleviating the more extreme,
isolating aspects of his shy nature. Using these "vibrational"
tools, issues that one may have struggled with for years can be
eased, and long-buried talents and loves can be awakened.

        Many of the tools suggested herein, including astrology,
work on what esotericists refer to as the energy bodies, the
chakras, or the aura. This subtle energy field, which emanates
from every living thing, is where our energetic and emotional
habits, thought patterns, belief systems, and so on reside.
Introducing the energy pattern of a flower, plant, gem, or
mineral into one's aura directly affects one's emotional and
mental energies, and over a period of time this promotes
long-lasting changes.

        The key factor in using any of these remedies or tools
is one's positive intentions, willingness, and desire for
harmony and health. They are not "magic". Used consistently and
with conscious intention, they reinforce and accelerate desired
changes. In the back of this report is a listing of resources
where you can obtain the flower essences and other products
suggested for you. There are also other tips and instructions.

        As you read over your report you may see a number of
areas that you would like to work with. There is a lot of
information here and the possibilities can be very exciting!
However, it is usually best to attend to one issue or cluster of
related issues (a theme) at one time. Choose whichever one is
most meaningful or troublesome to you at present. Keep in mind
that you will NOT manifest all of thepotential imbalances
mentioned. Some issues may have already been resolved, and some
will simply not be relevant. In deciding which issue to focus
on, follow your intuition. Remember, too, that gentle,
persistent effort is usually necessary in re-patterning and
creating any real change. Best Wishes to You!

           Sun and Ascendant: General Characteristics

        The position of the Sun in your birth chart represents
the person you are at heart and the path you must follow to
fulfill yourself as a unique individual. It also indicates your
personal strength and vitality, as well as what activities or
life experiences you require to feel alive and to replenish your
life force. The Sun represents your personal identity.

Sun in Scorpio:

Key issues: Experiencing the depths and the shadow side of life;
personal transformation through powerful emotional experience;
sexuality, emotional merging, confrontation with death.

Key qualities: instinctual, deeply feeling, passionate
involvement, often compulsive or emotionally fixated.

        You are more instinctive, intuitive, and emotional than
cerebral, and you need to be wholly immersed and deeply involved
emotionally in whatever you are doing. Others may see you as
obsessed, extreme, fanatical, or "too intense" and you can be.
Often, though, this intensity is quite hidden.

        You have a deep kinship with animals, with whom you
share the capacity to feel and to know by instinct, but not to
be able to explain your feelings or knowledge in rational terms.
And at times you may purposely keep your true self hidden,
because your interests run counter to group norms and/or what
you have been taught to believe is good, appropriate, or worthy.
A taste for the dark side, for the "taboos" or mysterious side
of life, may compel you. At your finest, you are able to help
transform and heal the darkness others experience, because you
will not turn away from it. Work that involves birth and/or
death, psychological exploration and healing, or using your
acute psychic awareness and your instincts, suits you.

        Your sexuality is a profoundly important part of your
life because initiates you into the deepest (and often darkest)
aspects of your soul. Struggles with power in relationship,
jealousy, envy, lack of trust or fear of losing control, and
other potent experiences come through this.

Patterns of Imbalance:

        For vengeful emotions, such as spite, suspicion,
jealousy, envy, hatred, or self-hatred: the flower essence

        For the courage to face and express powerful emotions:

        For resentment and grudges: the flower essences WILLOW

        For bitterness and unfair projection of hostile
intentions onto others: the flower essence OREGON GRAPE.

Gemstones that may be beneficial to wear, carry, or take as an

        BLACK TOURMALINE, which helps release old, unwanted
energies and emotional "pollution" from mind, emotions, and
physical body.

        TIGER'S EYE, which helps one maintain a strong sense of
self when dealing with powerful emotions such as fear, jealousy,
or anger.

        BLOODSTONE, which balances the energy centers at the
base of the spine and lower abdomen, especially after emotional
upset or trauma.

        MALACHITE, which can help one break free from fears,
guilt, and self-denial. (Placed upon the solar plexus for up to
20 minutes at a time can be a powerful stimulus for clearing
toxic emotion).

Sun Quincunx Saturn:

        You are like the diamond, whose strength and brilliance
are the result of being formed under intense pressure:
difficulties, deprivation, or a lack of external support compel
you to develop your strengths and discover your true nature. You
may well have developed self-reliance and the capacity to be
responsible for yourself early on, perhaps due to separation or
estrangement from your father. Life may thus seem like serious
business to you, always an issue of practical survival, with no
room for frivolity or joy. Or, your core self (the person you
know yourself to be at heart), may have been ignored, rejected,
criticized, disparaged, disapproved of. Who you were was not
right, or was not good enough. Blockages and wounds to the solar
plexus and/or heart centers may have resulted. Symptoms of
energy blockages in the solar plexus include low self-esteem,
fear of expressing oneself or doubting the value of what you
have to offer. The flower essences which work to heal this
include: BUTTERCUP (for valuing yourself, appreciating your
worth), SELF-HEAL (for restoring confidence and self-healing
powers), SUNFLOWER (for low self esteem and conflicts related to
how you were fathered) and SAGUARO (for trusting your inner
wisdom and authority).

        The color bright GOLDEN YELLOW is healing for the solar
plexus, as is the elixir of GOLD. Energy work on the solar
plexus and heart (such as polarity, Reiki, therapeutic touch, or
related therapies) can be very helpful, used alone in
conjunction with flower or gem essences.

        Suppressed energy around the heart center inhibits one's
ability to open to love or to feel loved. Flower remedies
intended to heal and expand the heart include ALPINE AZALEA (for
opening to the spirit of love and loving oneself), PEONY (for
dissolving creative blocks and opening the heart), and ZINNIA
(for opening to fun, laughter, joy, child-like playfulness and
lightness of heart). One habit that may prevent you from loving
and accepting yourself is comparing yourself to a rigid,
unattainable, perfectionistic standard. The flower essence PINE
is very helpful in softening that attitude. Other flower
remedies that may be appropriate for you include: OAK (for
feeling that life is a constant struggle) and ORANGE BLOSSOM (to
increase hope, joy, and enthusiasm).

        Your Ascendant (or Rising Sign) describes your physique,
as well as indicating how you relate to and are affected by your
environment. It has a direct bearing on your physical health.

Ascendant in Sagittarius:

        You have a "happy" demeanor and appear congenitally and
perpetually upbeat and buoyant, with a certain physical frisky
exuberance that belies any suffering you may have. Your energy
level, though high, is not especially consistent or sustained.
It comes in bursts of enthusiasm.

        You enjoy sports, games, gambling or taking chances, and
fun physical activities like dancing, horse back riding, skiing,
or skating, all of which you do with a free-flowing, willowy
grace that makes it look effortless. Your secret is that you do
it for fun or for joy and do not take it terribly seriously.
Nevertheless, you are prone to your share of sports injuries,
and indoors you can be downright clumsy. You are prone to be
large and/or need quite alot of physical space around you in
order to be comfortable. Small, cozy spaces feel cramped and
even life-depleting to you. Your ideal environment is large,
spacious, with high ceilings and windows, and alot of light.

        You thrive when you have a distant goal to aspire
towards, a cause to serve, something larger than yourself to
live for. You may be most prone to physical ailments when your
faith in some cherished ideal is shaken or shattered, when you
feel trapped in a situation that carries little higher purpose
or meaning, or when there is a little inspiration, freedom, or
adventure in your life.

        Flower and garden essences that can be of benefit to you
include: SWEET PEA (for always seeking, wandering, unable to
settle or make a commitment), COW PARSNIP (for the grass is
greener elsewhere syndrome), and CORN (for a balanced,
integrated relationship between heaven and earth, vision and

              Moon and Venus: Emotions and Feelings

        The position of the Moon in your birth chart reflects
your emotional nature, what you need to feel nurtured, what
feels familiar and comfortable to you. It is also your
deeply-held beliefs and mostly unconscious or instinctive
responses, which play themselves out in your closest personal
relationships. Your moods, memories, dream life, and
feeling-self are depicted by the moon in your birth chart.

Moon in Pisces:

Key issues: Needs a feeling of unity with others and the world.
Emotionally experiencing the spiritual or transpersonal realms.

Key qualities: gentle, imaginative, compassionate; easily moved,
swayed, or influenced by others' need.

        You are highly empathetic and sensitive to the
atmosphere around you. You merge with others' psychic and
emotional energies quite easily and are able to sense and feel
their inner state, regardless of what they show or try to
present. This may cause you some confusion until you learn to
trust your instincts and sensitivities, to discern what is
coming from you and what, indeed, is being generated by someone
else. You also need to beware of taking on other people's
troubles. For instance, if you are with a friend who has a
headache, often you will find you get one too. Also, because you
feel others' pain you want to remedy it, and you may try to do
for them what only they can do for themselves. Rescuing (or
wanting to be rescued) is part of your emotional make up and you
need to discover when that is wise and when it is not.

        You are extremely suggestible and malleable. More
forceful individuals or energies can overwhelm you, and you may
have learned to cope with this by spending alot of time alone,
away from external input. Dreamy and imaginative, you need
periodic escapes, time for reverie, music, listening to your
inner voice.

        You are predisposed to being passive and receptive, to
go with the flow, to avoid direct confrontation and conflict, to
let life take its course rather than energetically taking life
by the horns or forcing things.

Patterns of Imbalance:

Flower essences that may be helpful to you include:

        For clear psychic boundaries and psychic protection;
extreme vulnerability to others and the environment: the flower
essences YARROW and MOUNTAIN PENNYROYAL. The gem essences of
HEMATITE and COVELLITE help to give strength, clarity and
definition to the aura and build stronger, clearer energetic
boundaries, also.

        For an overly active or overly expanded psychic state,
leading to hyper emotionality, or a sense of psychic
vulnerability: the flower essences MUGWORT and SAINT JOHN'S

        For shyness related to over-sensitivity: the flower
essences VIOLET and MIMULUS.

        For unbalanced sympathy, a tendency to get emotionally
and physically emmeshed, inapropriate merging with others: the
flower essences PINK YARROW and BLEEDING HEART.

        For avoidance of present life and practical concerns,
being too much in another world: the flower essence CLEMATIS.

        For a tendency to evade responsibility, indulge in
self-pity, or feel like a helpless "victim" the flower essences:

        Your responsiveness to external stimuli can be used to
your benefit when you are feeling out of balance. Music has a
profound influence on you, and generally you do know what
effects particular pieces have on you. Some compositions that
may increase your sense of well being include those of the
sounds an unborn child hears in the mother's womb, ocean sounds,
or the sounds of birds in the wild.

        Aromatherapy oils which can be used as perfume, in
bathes, or in a diffuser or mister include: For upliftment,
increased energy and enthusiasm: PATCHOULI, JASMINE, ROSEMARY,
JUNIPER. For hypersensitivity: CHAMOMILE, JASMINE, and MELISSA.

Moon Square Jupiter:

        You are predisposed to be hopeful, cheerful, expansive,
generous, tolerant, and rather lax about rules and discipline.
You crave abundance, lavish comfort, and freedom from care or
responsibility. On a physical level, overweight, especially due
to overconsumption of fats and heavy, rich foods, can be an
ongoing concern of yours. "Addictions" to eating, partying,
having a good time, shopping, or gambling (with the belief that
bigger ormore is better) are possible imbalances, also.
Incorporating qualities of temperance, moderation, modesty, and
appropriateness (knowing what is "enough", knowing when to say
no to yourself and others) would be of benefit. The flower
essence HEDGEHOG CACTUS, which helps one distinguish between
self-nurturing and self-indulgence, could be useful. A tendency
towards laziness or passivity can be offset by use of the colors

Moon Square Saturn:

        Issues of nurturing, emotional security and belonging,
roots, caring and being cared for, and the ability to
spontaneously express emotion and feelings are significant for
you. You are hypersensitive to rejection, neglect, or being left
out, and may carry feelings of loneliness and isolation which
need to be healed. On a physical level, your digestion may be
inhibited. Indifference to food or an inability to absorb and
assimilate nutrients, with resultant underweight, may occur. On
the other hand, overeating to feed an emotional hunger or inner
emptiness is also possible. Discovering what you need to feel
truly nourished and giving or providing these things for
yourself is very important. Establishing a home that is truly a
source of comfort and support may be chief among these. On an
emotional or psychological level, a predispositon to be overly
serious, conscientious, responsible, or guilty, to withhold
yourself from others, and/or to simply shut down emotionally, is
evident. You tend to be easily discouraged.

        There are a number of essences that can help repatterns
these emotional habits, including: ORANGE BLOSSOM ( to increase
hope, overcome melancholia), CHERRY (for cheerfulness, verve),
BORAGE (to increase optimism and courage), MIMULUS (for being
overly cautious, timid, or fearful), PINE (for over
conscientiousness, perfectionism, guilt), ZINNIA (for
playfulness and joy).

        If you tend to put up barriers between yourself and
others, these essences support you opening up: MALLOW, VIOLET,
WATER VIOLET, ALPINE AZALEA. To allow feelings to flow more

        Your relationship to your mother or woman in general may
need to be healed if you received inadequate or inappropriate
nurturing as a child. MARIPOSA LILY, EVENING PRIMROSE, and
POMEGRANATE can be very useful there.

        Aromatherpy scents which can be very useful include:
GERANIUM (for discouragement or depression), ORANGE (helps
alleviate fears and doubts), WINTERGREEN (helps create a
positive attitude in overcoming health or other problems). These
can be used in massage, as a perfume or in an aromatherapy
diffuser or mister.

        Energy work, (such as Reiki, polarity, or similar
techniques) on the base chakra to alleviate insecurities and
fears about survival, and on the sacral and solar plexus chakras
to help clear congested emotional energies may prove beneficial,

        Above all, you need to learn to care for yourself in
healthy, fulfilling ways. ALong these lines the following books
or tapes may be useful to you: "Healing Your Aloneness" by E.
Chopich and M. Paul, "Inner Bonding" by M. Paul, "The Recovery
of Your Inner Child" by Lucia Capacchione, and "Warming The
Stone Child" by Clarissa Pinkola Estes.

        The use of PINK, PEACH, and CORAL in decorating,
clothing, etc. is helpful.

        The position of Venus in your birth chart reveals your
capacity for love, intimacy, pleasure, giving and receiving, and
relationships. Representing, also, your taste in beauty and your
values, it is a key to how you can create harmony within

Venus in Scorpio:

        You crave wholehearted, passionate involvement in
anything you do, and especially in love, you are apt to go to
extremes or be very compulsive. At best, you feel deeply, bond
deeply, love deeply and intensely, holding nothing back. At
worst, you can be fiercely jealous, manipulative, sexually or
emotional exploitive, use emotional blackmail to extract revenge
when scorned, or be attracted to others who do the same.
Self-indulgence or licentiousness can create disharmony or
dis-ease in your life. In addition to making full amends to
those you may have thus harmed (if necessary) and to help
transform your desires into creative, healing energy, the
following flower and gem essences can be very helpful: BLACK
COHOSH (to help confront situations or lifestyles that are
abusive, addictive, dark), HOLLY (to help clear negative, toxic
emotions such as excessive jealousy, vengefulness, or other
distortion of love), and BLACK TOURMALINE (to help clear and
clean out old, negative energies in mind, emotions, and body).

Venus Square Mars:

        Actively creating beauty and love in your life and
surroundings is essential for your well-being. Your creative
and/or procreative impulses are very strong and were probably
evident from an early age (ie a precocious interest in romance
and the opposite sex, and/or a definite leaning toward the arts
or entertainment). You are happiest when you are doing something
which combines style and grace with passion, loveliness of form
with vibrant, energetic movement... making love or making art.
If you feel you have creative impulses which are not being
expressed, the flower essences of IRIS (or WILD IRIS) and INDIAN
PAINTBRUSH can help evoke your creativity. The gemstones RUBY,
compatible with you. (Even more so if you have them set in
copper or "pink gold"). Watermelon tourmaline is especially
helpful as it balances the yin/yang or sexual polarity within, a
process that is most important for you. Congestion or confusion
regarding sexual expression can be eased.

        When out of balance, your intimate relationships may be
conflicted, often angry and tempestuous. You may aggravate your
partner or pick a fight in an attempt to connect or be close.
While vibrational remedies are no substitute for couples
counseling when that is necessary, several flower essences can
facilitate changing the patterns within you which contribute to
the disharmony.

        For emotional and sexual conflicts: BASIL, STICKY MONKEY
FLOWER, and BALSAM POPLAR. MALA MUJER (Spanish for "bad woman")
is for those who express the bitchy, shrewish, nasty side of
their feminine nature. Combining one or more of these essences
with an elixir of ROSE QUARTZ would be especially effective.

                   Mercury: Thinking and Ideas

        The position of Mercury in your birth chart describes
your intellectual qualities, how you communicate or express
yourself verbally, and in general how your thinking patterns

Mercury in Scorpio:

        Your mind is thorough, deep, penetrating, and insightful
into the inner workings or hidden side of things. You enjoy
delving, doing research, thinking about difficult problems. You
do not shy away from the dark or scary side of life. In fact, it
fascinates you. You might wish to use the flower essence
CALENDULA to offset your tendency to use sarcastic, cutting

Mercury Conjunct Venus:

        You possess a keen sense of form and design and a great
appreciation for beauty, elegance, and grace of expression. An
idea must appeal to your senses or aesthetic sensitivities
before you will accept it. That is, you have to be charmed or in
love with the thought, or it is of little interest to you.

        You are gifted in the arts and also in social arts and
graces, and to be at your best you must have a life that
includes friendship, conviviality, and many small pleasures and

        There is no real blockage to your creative gifts except
perhaps your own belief that you are "only" an appreciation or
connoisseur, and not a talent in your own right. Write or speak
about what you love!

        Gemstones that can facilitate your creativity include:
AQUAMARINE and KUNZITE, either worn on your body or taken as an

                    Mars: Ambition and Drive

        The position of Mars in your birth chart indicates your
will power, physical vitality and sexual drives, and your
capacity for decisive action and self-assertion, as well as the
musculature and adrenals in the physical body.

Mars in Aquarius:

        You are prone to fitful or erratic rhythms in the level
of your physical energy, potency, and sexual drive. Sudden
influxes of energy and enthusiasm alternate with periods of much
lessened desire or energy: you run hot and cold. You can be
unpredictable, and suddenly change course.

        Your will is directed into teamwork, networks,
coalitions, progressive cooperative endeavors, social activism,
or reform. The flower essences QUAKING GRASS (for finding the
right balance between your needs and the needs of the group, to
increase harmony and flexibility in group work) and QUINOA
(which aids individual and group interaction, and helps to
ground and stabilize one's energies) may be beneficial.

        Jupiter and Saturn: Opportunities and Challenges

        The position of Jupiter in your birth chart represents
the principle of growth, improvement, expansion, faith, and the
quest for ultimate meaning or broader understanding of life.

Jupiter in Sagittarius:

        Trust and faith in life itself is expressed by you as an
intrinsic optimism and willingness to see the larger picture
before you pass judgement. Thus, you are philosophical about
failure or difficulties and are buoyed up by your hopes for the
future. You have a great deal of faith and belief in ultimate

Jupiter Opposition Saturn:

        You grow by having a positive attitude and philosophical
approach to obstructions, difficulties, frustration, and the ups
and downs in life. Vacillating between hope and doubt,
confidence and fear, idealism and pragmatic realism can impede
your progress (both spiritual and material). Become steady and
patient, accept limitation, work with whatever is at hand in the
moment, develop practical programs, skills, and strategies,
learn to love what is difficult in your life. Read the "Tao te
Ching" or "How to Handle Trouble" by John Carmody. Use regular
ritual as a way to connect with spirit.

        At times, pessimism and an inability to envision a
better future or to see the big picture may impede you. Fearing
success or overexpansion as much as failure, you may be blocked
from taking any successful course of action.

The following essences can help:

        GENTIAN, for discouragement and despondency after a
setback; for feeling cut off from a source of faith or hope; to
ease persistent skepticism which leads to a sense of meaningless
or depression.

        SAGE, to help perceive the higher purpose and meaning in
life's events, and to offset the tendency to see life as
ill-fated or undeserved.

        On a physical level, your liver may function sluggishly,
and a program to boost and tonify the liver would also help with
all of the issues mentioned above.

        The position of Saturn in your birth chart represents
the bones, the skeleton, and the principles of hardness,
heaviness, structure, stability, form, and boundaries. It shows
what is hard for you, what you struggle with, where patterns of
rigidity or fear hinder you, what is heavy for you, where you
develop character, maturity, and depth through being tested.

Saturn in Gemini:

        An inability to breathe freely either literally
(weaknesses in the lungs) or, more probably, intellectually, may
present difficulties for you.

        Doubts about your intellectual capacities, your level of
education or your ability to articulate and communicate freely
are likely. You may frequently feel frustrated due to your
inability to express you thoughts, or be overly careful to the
point of stumbling over or struggling with your words. You are
also apt to either decide you do not have what it takes to
pursue higher educational studies, or over compensate and
believe you must prove yourself intellectually competent by
becoming a serious scholar. Or, you may become excessively
narrow and rigid in your thinking, and thus close yourself off
from numerous interesting possibilities in life. Judgments about
your intelligence or communicative abilities and/or a need for
pragmatic proof of any idea inhibits a free flowing learning
process. You might wish to consider taking the flower essence
TRUMPET VINE which opens up the throat chakra, helping to
promote the ability to speak clearly and assertively.

Saturn Opposition Neptune:

        Blending the spiritual and the mundane is your
challenge, building a strong spiritual foundation for your life,
giving tangible form to your ideals, taking care of your inner
life and soul needs as well as your worldly responsibilities.

        You may feel a deep split between spirituality and
materialism, and are rather susceptible to philosophies that
preach renunciation, asceticism, self-sacrifice, being in the
world but not of it. Until this split is healed, you may hold
your self back from complete participation in life, or carry
nebulous fears, depression, insecurities, and subconscious
guilt, which can hinder you considerably. Beliefs that the flesh
or incarnated life somehow degrades or is in opposition to the
spirit can contribute to poor physical vitality. You may have a
weak or poorly functioning root charkra, manifesting as a weak
well to live in physical reality, and low energy.

        On the other hand, you may avoid anything to do with the
supernatural or other worldly, fearing perhaps that you would be
completely overwhelmed. If so, you are apt to be plagued by
unfulfilled longings, "cosmic homesickness" for you know not

        Most important is for you to develop a life-affirming
spiritual optimism. Working with affirmations to replace
ungrained negative beliefs would also be helpful. To support
this process, you might wish to try the following flower
essences: LADY'S SLIPPER (to integrate a sense of spiritual
purpose in your daily work; bringing spiritual power into the
root chakra). MUGWORT (to harmonize psychic forces and bring
them into balance with daily life). NASTURIUM (to energize the
root chakra, increasing earthiness and vitality). SCOTCH BROOM
(to increase positive and optimistic feelings about the world
and your pace in it). FAWN LILY (for a tendency to withdraw,
isolate, and protect oneself from the world).

                           APPENDIX I


       The following information will enable you to make up your
own flower essence remedies. However if you wish to try them but
are not interested in doing it all yourself, you can contact a
flower essence practitioner. Many astrological counselors and
other holistic practitioners use the flower essences and gem
essences in their work.

       1. Choosing your essences: Generally you can use up to
five essences at a time. Some people believe five essences is
ideal, as the number five is associated in myth and folklore
with the healing process. Others find using a single remedy at a
time most effective. Follow your own intuition and impulses on
this, but please do not try to address too many issues at once.
Gem essences can be used with flower essences.

       2. Making the remedy: Once you have chosen the essence or
essences you wish to take, purchase them from the supplier in
the concentrated form ("stock" bottles). You will need a glass
dropper bottle such as pharmacists use for eye drops, which are
sold at some pharmacies as well as through the flower essences
companies. The one ounce size is standard. It should be
sterilized by boiling it for a few minutes, then letting it
cool. Then, put four drops of each concentrated essence into the
bottle, close it, and shake it vigorously for about a minute so
that the essences are well blended. Fill the bottle about 3/4
full with distilled or spring water. (For a more potent remedy
you may wish to use color-solarized water instead, as described
in the color therapy section). Then, close the bottle and,
again, shake vigorously for about a minute. To preserve the
mixture, add a teaspoon or so of either brandy or applecider
vinegar. (They work equally well; it is a matter of personal
taste and preference).

        3. Using essences: The standard dosage is four drops
four times a day, taken under the tongue. Taking more than four
drops will not increase the remedy's effectiveness, and taking
it more than four times a day is usually not necessary except in
crisis situations. However, if you feel inclined to use it more
frequently than four times a day, these remedies cannot be
harmful in anyway. They are self-adjusting, meaning that you
will simply not absorb more than you can use.

        To further activate the remedy's effect, you may wish to
use a simple affirmation that corresponds with your intent and
the nature of the remedy. For instance, if you are taking a
remedy to increase your receptivity to love, you can say "I now
let love and appreciation into my life", each time you take the
remedy. Keep the words simple, positive, and framed in the
present tense. Or, you may wish to put a self-adhesive label on
your bottle, with a list of the essences it contains and a short
phrase such as "receptivity to love" or "opening the heart"
which you will see each time you take the remedy.

        Other very effective ways to use your remedy are to add
7 drops to a bath and/or several drops to an atomizer or spray
bottle filled with water and spray it around the rooms of your
house or workspace.

        4. What to expect: Please understand the flower essences
do not "take away" troublesome feelings or attitudes. Some
people actually experience a temporary intensification of the
issues the remedy is designed to address, what is referred to as
a "healing crisis", as strong emotions or other reactions begin
to surface. Naturally you can temporarily stop taking the remedy
if you get too uncomfortable. You can also get some support
while this process is occurring, since a willingness to
experience and feel what is actually there is an intrinsic part
of the healing. Most people, however, find the remedies quite
gentle. Insights into the nature of the problem and how you are
contributing to or maintaining it may emerge. Or, you may simply
notice a gradual attitudinal, emotional, or energetic shift, and
more harmony in that area of your life. Some very sensitive
people feel the effects of the remedies on their chakras
(particularly the heart and solar plexus) immediately upon
taking them.

        If the pattern you are working with is longstanding, as
the ones which are related to your birth chart are apt to be,
you may need more than one bottle of given remedy. Or, after one
bottle, you may want to give it a rest, and then go back to that
remedy later. If you frequently "forget" to take the remedy or
simply lose interest in it, this may be a signal that now is not
the time for that particular one.


        Color can be used to calm or energize, to cleanse, to
stimulate a given energy center in the body, or to promote
balance and an overall sense of well-being. In addition to
paying attention to how color affects you and using that
awareness in your choice of clothing and home or office decor,
here are two methods to utilize color:

        1. Color-solarized water: This is a very easy method.
The supplies needed are a clear glass jar or bottle, colored
cellophane (which can be purchased at an art supply store),
drinking water, sunshine, and a clear quartz crystal (optional).
Sterilize the jar or bottle, fill it with water, and if you wish
add a clear quartz crystal (this magnifies the effects of the
color). Then, close the bottle, wrap it in the colored
cellophane, and secure the cellophane with a rubberband at the
top. Place the bottle in a sunny spot for 2-6 hours, preferably
outdoors. After removing the crystal, you can drink it freely
and/or use it to make your flower remedies.

        2. Color Breathing: This exercise can be used to clear
your energy system of psychic debris, stimulate a sluggish or
blocked chakra, and promote healing. Choose a place that is
well-ventilated. You may stand or sit as you prefer, keeping
your spine erect. Begin by taking 2 or 3 deep, gentle breaths,
inhaling slowly through your nose and exhaling through your
mouth. Then as you breathe in, see and feel the color filling
your entire body. As you continue to breathe, imagine the color
surrounding your body as well, extending out about two feet all
round you, to create a beautiful egg-shaped bubble of colored
light. Simply breathe in this color for 5-10 minutes.

        To work on a particular chakra, you may start by
breathing clear, white, or golden light (as described above).
Then focus your attention on the center that needs clearing or
balancing. For the base or root chakra, imagine a glowing sphere
of bright, apple red at the very base of your spine. As you
breathe, imagine the light becoming stronger and brighter. For
the sacral center (located about 2 inches above the pubic bone)
the color is orange. For the solar plexus (halfway between the
navel and sternum), the color is bright yellow. For the heart,
green or pink. For the throat, sky blue. For the brow center
(located between the eyebrows and up about one inch), indigo
blue. For the crown center (at the top of the head), purple,
violet, or white. (You may use which ever one you feel most
attracted to).

        If you cannot "see" the color with your mind's eye, just
imagine that it is there. An inability to visualize a certain
color often indicates a particular need for that very color.

        To derive healing benefits from visualization and color
breathing, it is not necessary to spend a great deal of time.
Five to ten minutes once or twice a day is quite adequate. And,
once again you decide when you have "had enough" of a given
color or exercise. A change in your feelings about a given color
(less attraction to or "craving" for it, or less repulsion
towards it, for instance) can be a clue.


        Aromatherapy involves the use of essential oils from
plants and flowers. It is much different from flower essence
therapy in that it is primarily the "healing fragrance" which
influences body and emotions through the scents. (Flower
essences are odorless). Aromatherapy can be utilized either as a
perfume (especially applied to the chakras), in bath water, in
massage oil, or diffused in the air via steam or incense. Read
labels carefully and take precautions using these potent oils.

                           APPENDIX II

        The companies listed below are reputable sources for
high-quality essences:

Flower Essence Services                 Desert Alchemy
P.O. Box 1769                           Box 44189
Nevada City, CA 95959                   Tucson, AZ  85733

Alaskan Flower Essence Project          Pegasus Products
P.O. Box 1369                           Box 228
Homer, AK 99603                         Boulder, CO 80306

Master's Flower Essences                Perelandra
14618 Tyler Foote Road                  P.O. Box 3603
Nevada City, CA 95959                   Warrenton, VA 22186

Australian Bush Flower Essences         Ellon USA
Box 531                                 644 Merrick Road
Spit Junction, NSW                      Lynbrook, NY 11563

        Alaskan Flower Essence Project also carries fine quality
gem elixirs. A good source for color therapy products is: Dev
Aura, Little London, Tetford, Lincs., ENGLAND LN9 6QL.

        Given below is a listing of the flower essences that
were mentioned in this report and where they can be obtained.
The mailing address of each company is given above.

Alpine Azalea: Alaskan Flower Essence Project
Balsam Poplar: Alaskan Flower Essence Project
Basil: Flower Essence Serv, Pegasus Prod
Black Eyed Susan: Flower Essence Serv, Pegasus Prod
Bleeding Heart: Flower Essence Serv, Pegasus Prod
Borage: Flower Essence Serv, Pegasus Prod
Buttercup: Flower Essence Serv, Pegasus Prod
Calendula: Flower Essence Serv, Pegasus Prod
Chamomile: Flower Essence Serv, Pegasus Prod
Cherry Blossom: Master's Flower Essences
Clematis: Flower Ess Serv, Desert Alch, Pegasus Pr, Ellon USA
Corn: Flower Ess Ser, Pegasus Pr, Master's Flow Ess, Perelandra
Cow Parsnip: Alaskan Flower Essence Project
Desert Marigold: Desert Alchemy
Evening Primrose: Flower Essence Service
Fairy Lantern: Flower Essence Service
Fawn Lily: Flower Essence Services
Fuschia: Flower Essence Services, Pegasus Products
Garlic: Flower Essences Services
Gentian: Flower Essence Service, Pegasus Products, Ellon USA
Golden Eardrops: Flower Essence Services
Hedgehog Cactus: Desert Alchemy
Holly: Flower Essence Service, Pegasus Products, Ellon USA
Impatiens: Flower Essence Service, Pegasus Prod, Ellon USA
Indian PaintBrush: Flower Ess Serv, Desert Alch., Pegasus Prod
Iris: Flower Essence Service, Pegasus Products
Lady's Slipper: Akaskan Flower Essence Project
Mala Mujer: Desert Alchemy
Mallow: Flower Essence Services, Pegasus Products
Mariposa Lilly: Flower Essence Services, Desert Alchemy
Mimulus: Flower Essence Service, Pegasus Products, Ellon USA
Mountain Pennyroyal: Flower Essence Service
Mountain Wormwood: Alaskan Flower Essence Project
Mugwort: Flower Essence Service, Pegasus Products
Nasturtium: Flower Essence Serv, Desert Alchemy, Pegasus Prod
Oak: Flower Essence Service, Pegasus Prod, Ellon USA
Orange Blossom: Master's Flower Essences
Oregon Grape: Flower Essence Serv, Desert Alchemy, Pegasus Prod
Peony: Flower Essence Service, Pegasus Products
Pine: Flower Essence Service, Pegasus Products, Ellon USA
Pink monkeyflower: Flower Essence Service
Pink Yarrow: Flower Essence Service
Pomegranate: Flower Essence Serv, Desert Alchemy, Pegasus Prod
Quaking Grass: Flower Essence Service, Pegasus Products
Quinoa: Pegasus Products
Rosemary: Flower Essence Service
Sage: Flower Essence Services
Saguaro: Flower Essence Serv, Desert Alchemy, Pegasus Prod
Saint John's Wort: Flower Ess Ser, Desert Alchemy, Pegasus Prod
Scarlet Monkeyflower: Flower Essence Service
Scotch Broom: Flower Essence Service, Pegasus Products
Self-Heal: Flower Essence Service, Pegasus Products
Sticky Monkeyflower: Flower Essence Service
Sunflower: Flower Ess Serv, Alaskan Flower Ess Pr, Pegasus Prod
Sweet Pea: Flower Essence Service
Trumpet Vine: Flower Essence Service, Pegasus Products
Violet: Flower Essence Service
White Fireweed: Flower Essence Service
Willow: Flower Essence Service, Pegasus Products, Ellon USA
Yarrow: Flower Ess Ser, Alaskan Flow Ess Pr, Desert Al.,
Zinnia: Flower Essence Service, Pegasus Products, Perelandra
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 Price :
 Birthtime known : Non Registered member : $10.00
 No Birthtime : Non Registered member : $6.00

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