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Life Portrait Report for
                        Jonathan Winters

                        November 11, 1925
          8:23 PM Standard time [ BIRTH TIME NOT KNOWN]
                          Dayton, Ohio
            Latitude 39 N 45 32 Longitude 84 W 11 30
     GMT: 02:23:00  Time Zone: 6 hours West. Tropical Zodiac

This Report called INDRA (Version 1.7) creates a psychological
mirror of your life, by interpreting the astronomical symbols
present at your moment of birth using a large amount of
prewritten text.  INDRA describes your basic motivations,
perceptions, inclinations, and character from a number of
different perspectives giving a highly accurate composite view
of your life.  Your contradictory urges and drives as well as
your chief focuses are described in INDRA.  You will understand
yourself better by studying this material.  Your INDRA report
provides guidelines for personal improvement and self discovery.
Your life can improve quickly and dramatically if you apply the
suggestions given here.  By raising your aims and expectations
you can obtain a deeper self-understanding and thereby resolve
your inner conflicts and contradictions.  INDRA is not meant as
a substitute for astrological consultations, therapy, or the
study of astrology; it is an interactive tool to enhance these
things. Truly, INDRA provides a foundation for

The INDRA Report is divided into Twelve sections or chapters,
reflecting the Twelve basic areas of your life.

           I.  THE SUN - Your ego structure.
           II.   MERCURY - Your mental life.
           III.    VENUS - Your love nature.
           IV.   MARS - Your energy.
           V.  JUPITER - Your values.
           VI. SATURN - Your obligations.
           VII.   URANUS - Your search for freedom.
           VIII.    NEPTUNE - Your spiritual aspirations and ideals.
           IX.   PLUTO - Your need for fundamental change.
           X.  Summation
                     A. Your Uniqueness.
                     B. Your Easiest Areas.
                     C. Your Most Persistent Difficulties.
                     D. The Growth Aspects.
                     E. The Declinations.


SECTION I.  The SUN - Your Ego Structure

The Sun is the center of the solar system.  All life revolves
around it within this sphere.  In the same way, the ego is the
center of personal identity and gives integration and continuity
to individual experience. In this sense, it might be said that
the Sun shows character.  This is the fixed pillar at the center
of the person around which all else circulates or revolves.

The sign placement of the Sun shows the center of the
individual's basic character.  The sign of the Sun is the most
primary indicator of the forms of experience you are attracted
to.  Further, this most important placement shows how and why
you are attracted to these experiences.

The house placement of the Sun sign shows the primary area of
expression for the individual in life.  There is a
psychological, emotional, and physical significance to the house
placement of the Sun. Aspects to the Sun show ways that the core
of the personality are linked to other component elements in the
individual's life.  Aspects to the Sun have a deep and
overriding significance in the life of the individual and are
generally more important, more prominent than other aspects in
the chart.


Control is the main ingredient in life for you.  You are
strong-willed, thorough, passionate and powerful.  You are
courageous and completely willing to go it alone when necessary.
You tend to have a rather serious outlook on life, always
probing, looking for the depths.  Your life becomes more
meaningful when you learn to be truly forgiving, when you
control your sexual nature without repressing it.  Strive to
overcome envy, jealousy and possessiveness.  Your intense, all
or nothing attitude is very useful under some circumstances but
all of life is not a battlefield.  You turn that force to a high
channel at some time in life and the search for meaning becomes
a spiritual quest.


You have a pleasant appearance and know how to get along with
others. You may find yourself locked into a situation where you
can see more than you can materialize.  The difficulty here is
that your goals move forward when you do, so they always stay
out in front of you and you never seem to get where you are
going.  A self-dissatisfaction can always be hanging in the air.
Thinking more of others and less of yourself is one of the few
things that breaks through the hard crust of ignorance.
Concentrating on the concerns of others punctures the myth of
isolation which is the real cause of your false sense of
self-dissatisfaction.  You are prone to petty vanities and
extravagant spending when you are feeling defeated.  You can
avoid this pitfall by learning genuine self acceptance.  Once
learned, you become a real joy to be around.


You are lucky and optimistic.  You are frank and direct with
people without being hurtful.  You are responsible and
benevolent and can see how to get things done.  You go through
several changes in life which leave you in improved


Self-esteem abounds and you are able to help others primarily
through example.  Because you are comfortable and confident with
yourself, you assume an aura of authority.  Since others
recognize this optimistic outlook in you, and because you have a
tendency to instill confidence, you rise in life.


You experience life as a serious affair.  You struggle for what
comes to you, but good things in life do come to you.  You are
hard-working, disciplined, and patient.  You need to guard
against being overly suspicious of others and learn to be more
charitable towards yourself and the world.  You can suffer from
painting an overly gloomy picture of life and your situation.
This can lead to depression.  You are capable of and should
practice being responsible without being cynical. You can be
self-reliant without being callous.


You are always looking for a better way of being.  You have keen
perception for the untried and can envision things that might
be, even though they do not yet exist.  You have a sense for the
dramatic and can express a new idea as if it was commonplace and
common sense.  You are unique and will often play an
inspirational role in others' lives. You are prone to sudden
romantic attachments as you recognize the uniqueness of others.


You embody excitement.  The exceptions to the rules lead you on
a path of self-discovery.  Freedom calls.  You respond.  And,
many improvements in your life come about as a direct result of
your response to the call.  You look for new, all inclusive
solutions to life issues.  You like people and can be a good


You have a deeply secretive side to your nature.  You are
romantic, humanitarian and idealistic.  You suffer from an
excess of emotion and exaggerated sensitivity to anything that
goes wrong in life. Unfortunately, something going wrong can
mean merely that it didn't live up to your expectations which
can be quite inflated.  Your life becomes a dynamic, unstoppable
force for good once you accomplish two things: one, you must
become self disciplined (i.e. ascetic) enough that you overcome
self-indulgence in every form, and two, you must know life by
knowing, really knowing, yourself.


Idealistic and hypnotic, you dissolve the world around you.
Your sense of self and the world is without boundaries.
Definition is difficult for you because of this.  You can
lighten up and inspire others, but, lead them down the "primrose
Path" until you know where you are going. Once your own
direction is clarified (no easy task) you can help others.  You
are compassionate but have confusion as to an appropriate manner
of expression.  Until you gain self-definition helping others is
always fraught with danger .


You are penetrating in your insight and informative in your
suggestions to others.  You ask a good deal of yourself and are
driven unconsciously toward important issues.  You have an
instinctive and natural grasp of fundamentals.  You approach
anything new with a blend of distrust and curiosity, but when
you commit to some project you are one hundred percent behind it
and execute your part with daring and self-confidence.  You make
a true friend and a great ally.  Your vitality is very strong.


You expect greatness as well as deep, far reaching effects for
your efforts.  Your vitality, personal magnetism and drive
produce fortunate and accomplished results.  You put your
"Hallmark" on everything you do.  You are insightful, being a
good investigator and a genuinely healing individual.  You have
a magic ability to transform yourself and every situation
through your intensity of focus.

SECTION II.  MERCURY - Your Mental Life.

Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun.  From the viewpoint of
the earth it seems to dart back and forth across the face of the
Sun, having three retrograde cycles a year.  Mercury is the
planet of your mental life.  It shows how you receive, process
and disseminate information. The sign placement of Mercury shows
your basic attitude and mental habits.  The aspects of Mercury
show your scope of vision and your methods for accomplishing


Your mind naturally moves toward the big picture.  You are
always looking "over the hills and far away".  You are
independent in thought while honestly thinking that you are the
mainstream standard of life.  You think you are "telling it like
it is" but the truth of the matter is you are telling it like
"it ought to be".  There is a moralizing, impulsive and
propagating side of whatever you assert.  You usually miss
details that others feel important, but the breadth of your
vision and the joy and lightheartedness of your attitude
encourages people to be open to what you say.  When you adjust
to new circumstances in life, you do so briefly, always holding
onto the picture of how things should be.  Your vision improves
when you are able to face how things really are without
discarding your values.

SECTION III.  VENUS - Your Love Nature.

lanet Venus shows the way you express your love nature and what
you aspire for in life as good or beautiful. Venus has much to
do with how you form your values.  The sign placement of Venus
shows the type of love energy you have.  The house placement of
Venus shows the natural area of expression of the love energy.
The aspects of Venus indicate how and under what circumstances
you express the gentle and loving side of your nature.


You love security, position and pleasure.  Your feelings run
deep and are lasting.  You want to make sure that worldly
circumstances are taken care of before you get romantically
involved.  You are shy and have a deep fear of being rejected.
Don't let others have so much power in your life.  Reorient your
values so that the world matters less and personal achievement
is powered from within you. Develop self-reliance.  Finding
inner peace means being satisfied with what you have and not
comparing your situation to anyone else's.


You have an aspect of Venus to the Sun showing that you identify
at a very fundamental level with your ability to express the
loving, genteel side of your nature.  This aspect of your nature
was commented on in some detail in Section -  The Sun - Your Ego


You are a great manipulator and are often caught up trying to
make things appear a certain way.  You are the one who suffers
from this tendency the most.  You tend to get tied down to a
pattern of endless repetition in relationships. You have
difficulty in letting go even when a situation is painful.  You
are always dealing with people as symbols of others who are not
even present.  Love and power become confused with one another.
You have a deeply lodged need to establish your sense of self
worth.  Once this is secure you can overcome your fear of being
dissolved in a relationship built on equality and will start
having more normal interactions.  You need to be less concerned
with how you appear to others and more concerned with how you


Your feelings can seem quite congested or frustrated.  At some
deep level you fear others.  A feeling of being cut off from
your own deepest urges prohibits fulfillment in life.  Jealousy
and feelings of alienation are great enemies of yours.  Aim for
compromise and act with affirmation and your potent love nature
finds a meaningful path of growth.  Fear of rejection stops you
from being open and vulnerable. Be willing to risk and your life

SECTION IV.  MARS - Your Energy.

Mars is the planet of desires.  It shows how you aim at your
goals and how you power yourself toward your goals.  Mars
represents your most fundamental wants.  The sign placement of
Mars shows the fundamental nature of your assertions.  The house
placement of Mars shows the area of your life you are most
likely to focus on.  The aspects to Mars show how and to what
extent your desires and assertions are involved with other
aspects of living.


Your energy is refined and you genuinely desire harmony.  You
are easily impressed by others and you take great care to guard
against being pushed into a situation requiring definitive
choice.  You can be a master of compromise.  You get what you
want in life through your ability to compromise; however, you
are easily influenced and over-conciliatory.  You have bursts of
anger at times to prove you are your own person.  This is,
however, reactive.  Your life is better and more even when you
establish real independence that comes from a feeling of
spontaneous well-being.


You have the ability to see to the heart of a matter very
quickly. Your basic nature has a mystical and spiritual quality
to it.  You have a subtle yet passionate quality in the way you
express yourself that others respond to at an emotional level.
Your natural field of activity in life should be one where
greater emphasis is placed on the feelings and less on reasoning
if this quality is to be used fully. There is an aesthetic side
to your nature and it comes out in a way that is inspiring and
reinforcing of a higher vision of truth.  You have a special
feeling for the performing arts.


You express your drives and desires with color and excitement.
Your energy is always aimed at the long range goals.  Your
drives color your social conscience but you have a belief in
your ability to be "in tune" with the times and with what is
good for the culture.

SECTION V.  JUPITER - Your Values.

is the king of the planets.  He is in charge of the order of
creation.  Jupiter shows your values, where you feel confident
and in control, and where you feel you have something to teach
others.  The sign placement of Jupiter shows your values in
life. The house placement of Jupiter shows the area of life you
feel luckiest in and the area you receive the most help from
other people and from the cosmos.  The aspect patterns to
Jupiter show the direct network of good and administrative power
in your life.


Your values are practical, serious, dutiful and critical.  You
are capable of being disciplined and exercise a large amount of
self restraint.  You like consistency and have great organizing
ability. You tend to know the material worth of things in life
much better than most.  Because of this, you are naturally
thrifty and good at spotting a bargain.  You have good
self-control and are too conscientious to walk away from a
position or program that you have taken on as a responsibility.
You are motivated by fame, power, and position much more than by
money or material accumulation.  Still, you gain a sense of self
worth through what you acquire so you will have a large
collection of something (be it money or certificates of
achievement) at some time during your life.


You have an aspect from Jupiter to the Sun showing a deep
connection between your values and your ego.  As a consequence
of this you have a stronger faith in your beliefs than most
people and you are more likely to act on them.  You have the
potential for being quite an inspiration for others.  In Section
- (The Sun - Your Ego Structure) there is more commentary on
this trait of yours.


You have an underlying self-confidence that is based on your
belief that life will give you whatever you want if you are
willing to work for it.  You see the reasonableness in the way
that things happen and are willing to invest in yourself.  You
are very industrious, believing that hard work will bring you
progress.  You have a taste for material acquisition but are
willing to work for what comes to you.


Good, practical judgement balances your natural tendency to see
opportunity.  Because you are results oriented, you are less
likely than most to fritter away your energy on projects that
lack long term significance.  Your choice?  Life long aims over
immediate gratification.  Progress on long range projects is
slow, partly because you demand tangible results and partly
because you have the good sense to establish firm foundations.
This strategy of yours almost always guaranties some results.
Life is easiest when you keep your long term goals constantly in

You are a real humanitarian, wishing only the good and best for
yourself and the world.  You are a possibility thinker.  You
envision the good and ask "why not"?! You see a broad and very
versatile picture of the way things are in life.  Often this
vision allows you to take advantage of critical timing of
personal events.  You are at the right place at the right time.
To others you appear lucky.  You are!  Your personal successes
are in tune with your basic humanitarian outlook.


An underlying belief in your perceptions, life, and your
creative ingenuity gives you the confidence to find solutions to
difficult "road of life" problems.  You see opportunity where
others only see challenges and obstacles.


This life certainly has its ups and downs for you.  Your
tendency to exaggerate, overindulge or over-commit yourself gets
you in trouble until you adopt the philosophy of life that "you
get out of life what you contribute." At this point you stop
trying to get something for nothing and your financial picture
becomes much more stable.  You get in your own way at times by
over-assertion or saying the wrong thing. You can have a
bluntness and a vulgarity that creates a negative picture that
you may have a hard time overcoming.  Gain control of your own
life and the path to higher success is not only swift but fun.


Guilt keeps you trapped in the past and over-optimism keeps you
from honest self-appraisal.  Willingness to let go of the past
and the development of personal honesty are both important in
order to keep your values and your actions operating together.
You accomplish many things in the course of your life but suffer
some emotionally because you have to compromise your vision.

SECTION VI.  SATURN - Your Obligations.

hows where you feel restricted.  You feel obligations and fears
through Saturn.  Because of your feeling connected with Saturn
you are either responsible or neglectful. The sign placement of
Saturn shows the basic type of energy connected with your
obligations.  The house placement of Saturn shows an area of
life that you feel restricted in and work hard to obtain the
things that come to you.  The aspects of Saturn show the most
direct involvement of other areas of your life with your
feelings of responsibility.

You are afraid of not having emotional security.  At the same
time, you don't want to depend on anyone else for emotional
fulfillment. What a dilemma.  You have tremendous amounts of
emotional containment. This can lead to a certain narrowness of
outlook.  You can be disciplined and exacting.  You really need
to develop your higher values and virtues in order to handle
your emotions in a positive way. Try to be more direct with your
feelings.  Trust others more, but only be with them if you like
them and get rid of your own ulterior motives.


You have Saturn in aspect to the Sun showing that you identify
deeply with your obligations in life.  This aspect of your
nature is explored more deeply in Section - The Sun - Your Ego

You have Saturn in aspect to Jupiter showing that you have an
interest in procedures and legal structures.  This interest is
discussed in Section -  Jupiter - Your Values.


You have a balance respect for the new innovative insights (that
are always occurring to you), for what empirically works, and
the traditional approaches to which we still have attachments.
This can give you an air of diplomacy and stoicism.  You know
how to get things done and have some patience with circumstances
in the world.


Good organizational skills and diplomacy leads you toward
continuous progress.  Because you have inherent respect for
tradition, you build your future on firm foundations.  You
experience more freedom as you get older.


You are engaged in one of life's deep struggles.  Your higher
and lower selves fight for control of your actions.  You are not
generally able to secure steady forward motion along a
progressive path until you willfully and consciously renounce
everything that gets in the way of your highest ideal.  This is
not easy and will require many attempts before success comes
about.  Personal progress is sure though, as soon as you see
your higher ideals as a direct extension of universal principles
to advance for the entire society.


Responsibilities create confusion for you.  You may feel very
burdened by your beliefs which lead to feeling quite isolated
from the rest of society.  Your life improves when you are able
to rise above self-pity and see how you inadvertently cause your
own suffering.  You need to build success by shuttling between
your obligations and your ideals. Becoming rigid mentally or
slipping into confusion is self defeating. Building positive
self esteem is necessary.


You are a good manager and a solid planner.  Your instincts are
conservative and you know how to make the most out of your
natural temperament.  You are disciplined and see ways to make
the most of your situation and position in life.  Other people
are a great help to you only when you are putting your best foot
forward.  A position of authority and responsibility comes to
you eventually in life.


You are the great economist, making the most of every situation.
Circumstances that will be luckiest for you will develop slowly
over a long period of time.  You are self-reliant, resourceful
and cautious. As a planner you are hard to beat.  Deep changes
occur in the core of your personality by being in touch with and
fulfilling your obligations.

SECTION VII.  URANUS - Your Search For Freedom.

rbit of Saturn and can't be seen without the aid of a telescope.
It represents the sky in us, that which transcends the limits of
finite life.  Uranus raises the vibration of everything it
contacts.  The sign placement of Uranus shows your broadest
striving for freedom.  The house placement of Uranus indicates
your area of direct unique expression.  The aspects to Uranus
indicate the way you express your need for higher

inner peace.  Your quest is for spiritual and social
self-sufficiency.  Your will is moved by devotional and
religious ideals.

u have Uranus in aspect to the Sun showing that you are a
freedom lover at heart and this forms a central feature of your
personality. This aspect of your nature is explained in Section
-  The Sun - Your Ego Structure.

nus in aspect to Jupiter showing that you have a big vision of
what life can be at its best.  How this works out for you is
discussed in Section -  Jupiter - Your Values.

in aspect with your Saturn.  This indicates that you are
attempting to accommodate the urge for security and the urge for
freedom.  More detail on this blending is in Section -  Saturn
-Your Obligations.

sual sense of timing and peculiar ideas get a fair hearing even
though you are way out of focus from the conscious direction of
the world.  You are blessed with some mechanical skills as well
as possessing some deeper insight into people's motivation.  In
relationships you are always touching sensitive places in
others' consciousness, forcing them to grow.


You are led by forces outside of your conscious control toward a
level of experience that guarantees transformation.  Bold
personal changes in yourself and in your values lead to a higher
personal freedom.

SECTION VIII.  NEPTUNE - Your Spiritual Aspirations and Ideals.

r orbit.  It represents the part of our nature that strives for
perfection, that looks to some higher ideal.  The planet Neptune
rules the ocean and the part of us that is beyond the limits of
the shores of personal existence.  The culture moves with the
cycles of Neptune and it is the primary indicator of your
connection to the culture that you live in. The sign of Neptune
shows an ideal that you desire to manifest.  The house placement
of Neptune shows the area of your life that you want to express
this ideal in.  The aspect patterns of Neptune indicate the most
direct connections yet most subtle networking of your
personality into the world at large.

hrough people being inspired. You may have an inflated ego or a
desire for power but your ideal is to be something important for

 of Neptune to the Sun showing that you have a gentleness and
lofty vision of life.  How this works out is shown by Section -
The Sun - Your Ego Structure.

th your Mars.  This shows that you are idealistic and have a
magnetic personality.  How this works out in your life is
described in Section -  Mars - Your Energy.

 Saturn, showing an interest in bringing about an ideal.  This
aspect of your nature is discussed in Section -  Saturn - Your

SECTION IX.  PLUTO - Your Need For Fundamental Change.

ows your ability to transform the most fundamental properties in
your own inner nature.  The sign of Pluto is the way the
obsessive, compulsive and committed part of your nature
expresses itself.  The house placement of Pluto shows the area
of life where you make your most fundamental and most potent
changes. The aspects to Pluto show the deepest most unconscious
links in your personality structure.

deep new social awareness; this can give you a foundation for
genuine transformation and creativity.  You are tenacious.  At
your worst, you trade freedom and self-worth for security.  You
may have a gnawing fear of some physical deprivation which can
haunt you and block real change. Understanding your past can
root out barriers and allow you to move into deep

un showing that much of your ego stays submerged and that you
have a deep wellspring of inner forces to call upon.  This is
described in Section -  The Sun - Your Ego Structure.

t you have a very deeply entrenched love nature that you are
transforming.  The details of this are discussed in Section -
Venus - Your Love Nature.

at you have a deep connection with the abundance of the earth.
How this works out is taken up in Section -  Jupiter - Your

at you are very impressed with things in the past.  The working
out of this impression is taken up in Section -  Saturn - Your

 a powerful urge to change in a fundamental way.  This change in
described in Section -  Uranus - Your Search for Freedom.



Part of your style of being a person is tied to your personal
method of adapting to and interacting with other people.  This
aspect of your personality shows itself through every aspect of
how you deal with the environment.  This method of your being
encourages as well as reveals your uniqueness.


You like to do things in a big way.  You are optimistic and
expect to win.  Your positive attitude and general long range
view in life gives you the best possible chance to make
something good come from your various talents.  Even setbacks
look like an opportunity to grow.  Your ability to avoid
difficulty seems like luck to others while it is a natural and
obvious skill to you. Your keyword is Enthusiasm.


Many of your unconscious habits change with some frequency.
This disrupts the fabric of your everyday life to the point
where you experience less of a connection with the past than is
comfortable for you.  Because your past experience does not
function as fully as a positive building block for you, as it
does for most people, it is difficult for you to use a pilot
study as a proving ground for new ideas.  Your ventures often
have to be tried in full force to be appreciated or even
evaluated.  Consequently, you have difficulty getting your
personal vision for the application of an idea to be perceived
as practical by others unless you can demonstrate the idea
working in its fully manifested form. Accomplishment comes
through focusing on a project intensely until it is completed
and then sharing it with others.


You know how to work hard for what comes to you.  You have a
relaxed style for bringing about change in life.  You get to
your goals in life through careful planning and consistent
application of energy.


You are slow to gain control of any project that has grown
beyond your ability to oversee all the details.  You find
progress quick and smooth when you locate and work appropriately
with the right people.


The following material is an index of things that you have
developed as inner resources.  You may take them for granted,
but in times of reevaluation and rest this part of your
personality can provide you comfort and strength.

Well-Aspected Mars.

Your energy and enthusiasm naturally go into productive
channels. You are attracted to experiences that give you the
opportunity to act.  You can usually get what you want when you
are prepared to put forth the effort.


This material describes the "cutting edge" of your work on
yourself. The thoughts rendered here are meant as further
guidelines for growth. You should take difficulties and
challenges in the right spirit.  They are always positive
indicators as to how you can experience the joy of becoming a
better person and more like your REAL SELF.

Afflicted Venus

You sell yourself short in love.  You have great difficulty
getting your true emotional intentions to the surface and
self-expression can be awkward, overly self-conscious, or
ineffective in achieving your heart's desire.  The key to
personal development in love and interpersonal expression lays
in setting your emotional priorities. This leads to less
conflict and to the experience of more satisfaction.

Mercury in Sagittarius

You are always looking down the road and telling others how life
ought to be.  Your natural propensity to deal with the big
picture means you miss details, facts and the present moment.
Concentrate on the immediate moment or compensate for your lack
of attention by utilizing others.

Mars in Libra

Your diplomacy and your self-assertion easily work at cross
purposes. You do best to get your attention focused clearly on
what you think is really good for others.  You are often led too
far from your own path and suffer from wasting energy trying to
please others.  Be more self-affirming.

Jupiter in Capricorn

Your value system can limit rather than inspire you.  Try to get
your urge to accumulate focused on things that really matter.
If you have your self-acceptance based on what you are rather
than what you have, you will become freer from the worry of your
position in life.


The Growth aspects operate differently than other aspects in
your chart.  While it is possible to use them descriptively, as
showing finer shades of meaning within the chart, we wish to use
them in a different manner for our purposes.  The growth aspects
are tools of self development.  If you apply attention to the
various qualities in your nature linked through the growth
aspects, you will see positive change over time.  These
qualities generally do not show quick effortless solutions, but
instead show a path of change requiring exertion and emotional
honesty. Under these circumstances, the way these aspects of
your nature change through time are truly amazing. The qualities
mentioned here can be the very mechanisms to release the
highest, finest side of your nature.

Uranus in Growth aspect to Neptune

You go through some tough adjustments to get your mental and
emotional lives to agree with each other.  Your aim in life and
your most natural inclinations will often reveal subtle
differences in the way that you approach the mental and
emotional components of your everyday experience.  As you
develop along regular ordinary lines in life this conflict will
only be seen as mild frustration.  When circumstances bring you
abrupt change or when you decide to alter some fundamental
property of your nature, you will find this conflict surfacing
in a manner in which you can get some resolution.

Uranus Quincunx Neptune

You feel strongly that you need to do something for the less
fortunate in life.  This is a wonderful sentiment, but it can
either lead you to "stewing" in your empathy for humanity
(making you less effective than you would be otherwise) or,
becoming completely cut off from your deeper feelings.  In
either case you will need to find some mode for expressing your
desire to see a better world, without leading yourself into an
intellectual or emotional blind alley.  Balance and consistent
exertion for your mind and heart on problems both personal and
universal is the path to growth.


There is another dimension to your astrology chart.  This has to
do with planets being the same distance from the celestial
equator.  When both planets are on the same side of this plane
there are called parallel.  When the planets are the same
distance but on opposite sides of the celestial equator they are
referred to as being contra-parallel. Both of these aspect
activate your ability to organize and reorganize some aspect of
your life.



The Growth aspects operate differently than other aspects in
your chart.  While it is possible to use them descriptively, as
showing finer shades of meaning within the chart, we wish to use
them in a different manner for our purposes.  The growth aspects
are tools of self development.  If you apply attention to the
various qualities in your nature linked through the growth
aspects, you will see positive change over time.  These
qualities generally do not show quick effortless solutions, but
instead show a path of change requiring exertion and emotional
honesty. Under these circumstances, the way these aspects of
your nature change through time are truly amazing. The qualities
mentioned here can be the very mechanisms to release the
highest, finest side of your nature.


SUN            position is 19 deg. 11 min. of Scorpio

MERCURY        position is  8 deg. 51 min. of Sagittarius

VENUS          position is  5 deg. 40 min. of Capricorn

MARS           position is 29 deg. 01 min. of Libra

JUPITER        position is 18 deg. 36 min. of Capricorn

SATURN         position is 17 deg. 16 min. of Scorpio

URANUS         position is 21 deg. 43 min. of Pisces

NEPTUNE        position is 24 deg. 44 min. of Leo

PLUTO          position is 14 deg. 36 min. of Cancer
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