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"First, this report is based on the birth date of the owner, founder, or major associate of the business in question. In case there is more than one relevant associate, it is advisable to consult the Business Forecast for the second associate as well. Second, to obtain this report, the party should provide an approximate time for the business to be opened. The report then will give relevant dates for the most advantageous and least desirable time to proceed with it. In case there is more than one owner, it would be ideal to locate a date in both forecasts that may have positive aspects or, at least, that neither have disharmonious aspects. But one might question the date one must consider. Does it constitute the date the corporation was formed, the day on which the license was obtained, the day the premises were rented, or the moment in which the toast was made? The answer is very simple. The date of astrological validity is the one on which the business started to serve the public. This is the real "birth" of the business, while everything else constitutes the period of "gestation" of that enterprise."

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