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    Member ID : NON REGISTERED USER  Today's Date : Fri, Apr 19, 2024  
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Astro Journey Back

"Survival is tougher today. Astrology is like a road map. Your road map. Your destiny. Today, more than ever before, we live in a world of choices. Your fate isn't set in stone. A lot of what happens to you depends on choices you make. The older you get, the more you're going to want to have a say, the more what you say is going to make a difference, and the more you're going to have to account for the consequences. Growing up and separating out from your parents, and making it on your own is about making decisions, taking responsibility for your life. This happens in stages. Some stages of maturation are gradual. Others are dramatic. Many things are hard to understand until later when we can look back on our experience with wiser eyes. Your personalized AstroJourney can help you understand what's going on while you're in the middle of it. AstroJourney can help you pinpoint various possibilities to help you make the best choices."

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